your vanilla13: vanilla13: you gotta check that letter out
your vanilla13: omg
quaere verum xi: ... lmao.
Fake Newsboy: Yeah, it's pretty stupid. >>
Aspenmyst8: holy fuck *_*
quaere verum xi: The first sentence kills it all.
quaere verum xi: It screams:
quaere verum xi: HELLO I AM A MORON LOLZ.
your vanilla13: i'd also like to add, after the rapture who the hell is gonna think "wow, i should go check my email
Fake Newsboy: That seems like something I would do.
Fake Newsboy: Not that I would ever get raptured, but..
quaere verum xi: Be like "... hmm. I haven't seen Mike in a while. OMG I FORGOT TO CHECK MY E-MAIL TODAY! =O!!!"
your vanilla13: " If you wish to do something now that will help your unbelieving friends and family after the rapture, you need to add those persons email address to our database." <-favorite part
your vanilla13: cause that very genertc email will totally convert the masses
your vanilla13: they shall see the light
your vanilla13: omg, can't breathe
Fake Newsboy: XD
your vanilla13: i just found the best part:
your vanilla13: This rapture letter service is FREE and will hopefully gain the person you send it to an eternity in heaven.
your vanilla13: that is just insanely funny to me
quaere verum xi: XD
quaere verum xi: It's a FREE PASS to heaven!
your vanilla13: after seven years of suffering on earth
Fake Newsboy: It's like an insane heavenly chain letter.
your vanilla13: cause it's no the seven years on earth with all the prophecies coming true that will convert you
your vanilla13: it's that email
Fake Newsboy: "...lolz."
Fake Newsboy: I hate chain letters ._.
quaere verum xi: XD
your vanilla13: and then the forwarded message: "OOOOOOOMG, Seriously! My friend's boyfriend's ex-girlfriend totally knew this guy that sent this on to 24 of his friends and he was totally raptured! Just do it!"
quaere verum xi: XD
quaere verum xi: You forgot about pressing F5.
quaere verum xi: Or whatever it is they tell you to press.
quaere verum xi: o_O
Fake Newsboy: Ahaha. XD I can imagine that easily.
your vanilla13: x
your vanilla13: press F5 and the delights of heaven will be yours
quaere verum xi: XD
your vanilla13: it's the shortcut to prayer
quaere verum xi: Then you get an error message or someshit.
quaere verum xi: "heaven.dll not found! You fail. Go to hell. Really!"
your vanilla13: Error 666: Soul not Comptabile with Heaven Drive
Fake Newsboy: XDDD
quaere verum xi: XDDDD
quaere verum xi: *snorts*
Fake Newsboy: Can't breathe. XD
quaere verum xi: Please insert disc. o_O
your vanilla13: error: rapture disc is unreadable.
your vanilla13: FAQ:
quaere verum xi: Life will now shutdown. o_o;
quaere verum xi: *laaaaaame*
your vanilla13: Q: What should I do if Rapture disc is unreadable?