The Vampire Diaries aka How Exhausted Am I By Mashed Potatoes?

Apr 14, 2011 19:33

Mashed Potatoes being's Price Peterson's very apt name for Matt Donovan of The Vampire Diaries. More after the cut because it may still hold spoiler content for some.

I can't sit through another episode of Caroline debasing and humiliating herself all for Matt. And I can't sit through another episode of Matt's cold-blooded and calculated duplicity towards Caroline. If Tyler had returned by now, it wouldn't have been so bad. That would have helped to temper some of the rage I have been experiencing over the last few episodes. But with recently having learned that Tyler won't be back on the April 21st episode as rumour had it, but on the MAY 5TH(!) one instead, I find that I really can't bring myself to watch these episodes. I just don't give a fuck about anything or anyone on TVD right now. And that includes Caroline, because she's acting more like her season one human self than EVER thanks to Matt! ARGH! Had Caroline at least told Matt to get lost if he couldn't handle her being a vampire, and then gone to help the rest of the gang in preparing for Klaus/The Ritual/The Full Moon business, I would have still sulked about it taking forever for Tyler to return, but I would've continued to watch these Tylerless episodes because season two vampire Caroline is (usually) awesome. I miss her. So, no Tyler + too much Matt - fierce!Caroline = no more patience for TVD. I'll catch up with 2x18, 2x19, and 2x20 once 2x21 has aired and I know for sure Tyler is back so that I'll have something to immediately look forward to after wading through the Matt/Caroline dreck. (And Tyler had better give Matt the ass-kicking he deserves!)

Maybe tonight will be a good night to catch up on Being Human. I still haven't watched the second half of the third series. Although, I'm very nervous about Mitchell's fate! Eek!
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