I was really hoping Jose Molina's influence would have some sort of effect on the show, but I see now that was all wishful thinking on my part. While Julie Plec is the showrunner, this show will not climb out from the pit of suck it has fallen into.
- Klaus's painting is just...no. A "lonely snowflake"? Really? A lonely snowflake painted by a lonely snowflake. Be more pathetically obvious in your BBW propping, TVD. On a tangentially related note: I am SO pissed off the show has completely forgotten that Tyler draws.
- PREACH IT JEREMY. Elena is responsible for so much of the bullshit and pain that has happened in Mystic Falls.
- PREACH IT TYLER. You tell Stefan off with your truthiness.
- Aaaaand Klaus just got creepier. And confirmation that he's a serial killer thanks to that lovely letter "collection" he has going.
- So sick of Klaus's ~loneliness.
- Oh. My. God. Look at him. Just look at him! Look at that bloodied psychopath! Caroline deserves to be with someone like that? NO woman, vampire, werewolf, ANYONE, deserves to be with someone like that. In Klaus's slaughter of the hybrids, we are given a clear and perfect picture of who and what he is. How can Klaus be considered as a viable romantic character after that????!!! There is no coming back from that. No forgiveness. No redemption. OH MY GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH FANDOM? I am seriously worried about these girls who think the ~love of a good woman will save Klaus. NOTHING WILL SAVE KLAUS. GOD I HATE THIS SHOW. I AM WATCHING JUST TO GET CAUGHT UP ENOUGH WITH TYLER AND HIS DEPARTURE SO I CAN FIX IT BUT THEN I REALLY AM DONE.
- Uh, Stefan, speak for yourself. Caroline is nothing like Klaus (or you, for that matter). SHUUUUUTTTTT UUUUUPPPP!!!! You're just trying to justify YOURSELF. SMH.
- Oh Carol. :(
- Rebekah is back! Yay!
- Index cards and push pins. LOL. Rebekah is hilarious.
- Ugh. Klaus, why do you exist? (You know, Morgan has the weirdest walk. It's like he bobs with each step. It is entirely unsexy.)
- I am sooooo tired of this sire bond crap. I was sick of it in S3. It's now putting me in a coma whenever it's addressed (which is, like, ALWAYS) in S4.
- Why does Bonnie always get stuck with the ugly necklaces?
- So is Qetsiyah going to turn out to be Bonnie's ancestor? Is that where the Bennett line springs from? My logic: Qetsiyah and Silas are connected; Professor Shane is obsessed with finding and freeing Silas; Professor Shane said he specifically needed a Bennett witch; Bonnie is a Bennett witch; ergo, Bonnie is descended from Qetsiyah. (I'm thinking way too much about the workings of a show I hate.)
- Okay, wait. Wasn't Qetsiyah around, like, thousands of years ago? And wasn't the Original witch around only one thousand years ago with the other Originals? How is the Original witch the Original witch if Qetsiyah was around waaaaay before then? Wouldn't that make Qetsiyah the Original witch? You know, TVD, I do not think that word means what you think it means. (Yep, I'm thinking waaaaaaay too much about this show.)
- Oooh, Kol's back! Did he bring his baseball bat? Damon is due for a few more beatings.
- Rebekah: "Why are my least favourite people the most durable?"
Me: "I know just how you feel, bb."
- Poor Tyler, always so ready to accept responsibility and blame for things. Meanwhile, Klaus blames everyone else for the shitty things he's done.
- Jeremy (to Klaus): "I don't take orders from you, dick." ILU JEREMY! Hell, I love anyone who throws shade at Klaus.
- All that killing Jeremy has to do to complete the mark can't be good for his psyche or his soul. I don't think it matters that his victims are vampires.
- Bonnie's storyline isn't really about Bonnie, is it? It's really about Professor Shane, and by extension, Silas. I see where this is going. Silas is going to be the new Klaus--Klaus will be leaving for his own show, after all--so TVD will be all about Silas once Klaus is gone. Super.
- I like the actor they cast as Bonnie's dad (he's popped up on other stuff I've watched). It's a shame he's being underutilised. SURPRISE. RME.
- So, Professor Shane...crazy or just crazy?
- Kol: "I gave [Damon] a good and proper beating. Just for old time's sake." And all with a grin on his face as says that. AWESOME.
- Rebekah: "I enjoy other cultures, Stefan. I know that may be hard for you to understand, considering you date a child who only thinks about herself." BUUUUUUURRRRRRNNNNN. Nail head, meet hammer.
- That guy who broke into Professor Shane's office to steal the stone? Yeah, he was totally compelled by Team #3 and my money is on that being either Katherine or Elijah--or both! Perhaps they're working together. I'll bet if it's Katherine, it's because she wants to use the cure on Klaus to finally free herself from his tyranny. Yep. That's what it is. And I am sooooo Team Katherine right now, it's not even funny. I'd be on Team Rebekah, but I'm waiting for Stefan to screw her over, or her sisterly feelings towards Klaus to cause her to fail in the end.
- Elena: "What did you do to Stefan?"
Rebekah: "Rescued him from his old dull life but it keeps calling."
How is Rebekah so awesome? Seriously. I love her so much.
OMG, I know what's going to happen! What all this is setting up! Professor Shane keeps going on about how Silas can bring people back from the dead. Season 5 is going to be about THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. That is what Kol meant when he said Silas will bring about the end of the world. ZOMGZOMBIES! LMAO!