I am done! THANK GOD because I couldn't take much more of the fuckery on this show.
- Like a creeping Tom? Rebekah, honey, that's Klaus's factory setting.
- LOLing at the 99 Luftballons reference.
- GO MAYOR BONNIE'S DAD!!! (I can't remember his surname) Putting vervain in the water supply, cancelling all events (those never end well). Finally someone is doing their job properly. Just look at how many mayors the town has had in the last two years. Bonnie's dad is the THIRD one after the last two died. That's not right.
- Uh oh, now there are definitely less than 99 red balloons.
- Elena plotting the genocide-like mass murder of Kol and his vampire line is despicable.
- EWWWWWWWWW!!!! Klaus is asking Damon for relationship tips?
- What? WHAT?! WHAAAAAAT??!!!! Doing bad things for ~reasons is okay? The compulsion and abuse of Caroline and Andie, snapping Jeremy's neck while unsure of whether or not he was wearing the protection ring, feeding on and killing the town folk when Damon first got to Mystic Falls in S1, killing Zach, turning Vicki, attempting to kill Uncle John, staking Lexi, and a multitude of other things I can't remember because there have been SO MANY is all okay because: "If you're going to be bad, be bad with purpose, otherwise you're just not worth forgiving."
RAAAAAAAAAAAGE!!!! I hate this fucking show.
- Now LOLing at The Cure reference/pun. And it's actually The Cure, not some crappy cover version of a song of theirs!
- Kol and his determination to chop off Jeremy's arms is hilarious.
- Oh, Klaus, you only care because Kol's death means that's one less person for you to control and abuse and power trip. You said it yourself, "I was going to make him suffer on my terms!" It wasn't about stopping Kol, it was about you controlling what Kol did and you controlling his fate.
- Oh look, it's the pit of suck the show has fallen into. Who knew Silas was trapped down there alongside TVD?
- ...so what is Professor Shane doing out of jail? I thought the mayor still had him? Is this later explained or did I miss something?
- I don't think Rebekah knows how to NOT be awesome.
- *sigh* Thanks for the explanation of the whole Silas/Qetsiyah/unnamed love of Silas's life for what? The third time now? Or is it the fourth? Thanks for thinking your viewers have the memory retention of a goldfish. It's not patronising in the least. Or do you need to repeat all these expository bits so you don't forget? We all know how continuity isn't your strong suit. RME.
- Tyler, baby, sweetheart, you and I are so on the same page of the same book in the same library.
- You know, Klaus, reminding Tyler of exactly how you killed his mother is only going to make him want to kill you harder.
- Love Rebekah's breakdown of everyone's usefulness--or lack thereof in Elena's case. And it appears as though Stefan does as well. Hee!
- "Even"? Oh, I don't THINK SO! Tyler won't be even until you're dead, Klaus.
- Klaus saved Tyler from the misery of being a werewolf? Just how deranged and delusional is he?! If Klaus hadn't wanted to break the curse that bound his werewolf side, then Katherine never would have engineered the triggering of Tyler's werewolf gene and he wouldn't have to suffer through those transformations in the first place! What a self-centred asshole. Holy crap. I can't believe this.
- Oh sure, Klaus is GREEEEAAAAAAAT for Caroline, what with the impaling with the lamp and the infection from his bite so she's now dying. Fuck you, fandom. FUCK. YOU.
- Once again, Klaus is THE WORST and Tyler is THE BEST.
- Ah ha! Bonnie is Qetsiyah's (you know, it's surprisingly hard to type a "q" word/name without automatically hitting the "u" right after. Try it.) descendant. I knew it!
- Professor Shane is a vegetarian? LOLOLOLOL! I don't know why, but I find that funny.
- Hmm...was that really his wife, though? And can Silas really raise the dead or is that just something he's using as bait to get out of the pit of suck well? I think Silas is making people believe they are seeing their dead loved ones until he finds someone who is capable enough to break him out. And he found that person in Professor Shane.
- Ugh, there goes Tyler, blaming himself again. Poor bb.
- Tyler has totally got Klaus's number. He knows that with Klaus, it's all about the control Klaus lords over people.
- "If I cure you that means victory for him." That's what it means for Klaus: a victory for Tyler. And that right there means his control, his power plays are more important to him than Caroline. While for Tyler, it means saving Caroline's life. Tyler was willing to be Klaus's slave again to save Caroline. And that, ladies and gentleman, is why T/C makes all the sense in the world and K/C makes no sense at all and never will. Klaus isn't in love with Caroline. He just wants her because he sees her as a something that belongs to Tyler and he wants to strip Tyler of everything he has. It's not just about betrayal. I think Klaus is jealous of how Tyler has overcome his obstacles and issues and learned from his mistakes. And let's face it, Klaus hasn't. Klaus has made mistake after mistake and he hasn't learned a thing.
- Ugh, I really hope Caroline is just working Klaus for his blood because the alternative is unacceptable. It better not be the beginning of K/C because that would be the end of Caroline as far as I'm concerned.
- They let this Hunter guy keep his natural accent. Huh. They should've let Tonkin do the same.
- HA HA. There's only one dose. I could have told you that--and without requiring an Aramaic to English dictionary.
- And Bonnie's blood is dripping through the stone and down to dun dun dun duuuuun SILAS!!!
- Oh, yeah, the mysterious unknown party on the island has got to be Katherine and/or Elijah.
- Those TOTALLY aren't the spirits or whatever of dead people. It's Silas getting into their heads and telling them what they want to hear so they'll free him. That shit is SO not what Sheila Bennett would say or do.
- AH HA! Yessssss! Jeremy thinks it's Silas faking everyone out, too! High five, dude.
- RME. No, Klaus, you and Caroline are not the same. Your delusions are getting so very tedious.
- See? See?! Klaus is beyond hope. He won't spare Tyler, only give him a head start. Pathetic.
- WHAT. HOW CAN KLAUS KEEP SAYING THAT TO CAROLINE: "You know I'd never hurt you." But he does! He keeps hurting her, physically and emotionally. ARGH!!!! Like, it doesn't even make SENSE! And his "it was all for you" is total bullshit. STOP. JUST STOP.
- Wow...so...that's it for Jeremy?
My guess as to who will get the cure? I think it will be Damon because the actor isn't getting any younger and this would be a great way to age him for a bit until they make him into a vampire again. Also, in the books, I believe it was Damon who became human again. On a related note: when Caroline translated part of the Aramaic and thought it meant "pretty flower" I nearly fell out of my chair. In the books, I believe someone (can't remember who) ends up in hell but comes back somehow and brings a flower with them. If a vampire were to sniff this flower, he or she would become human again.
I can't believe I'm done! It's finally over and I can start the story. In the end, I think it was good idea to do the re-watch. Having the whole canon (as flawed as it is sometimes) fresh in my mind can't be a bad thing. And the S4 episodes did answer some questions I had and cleared up some issues regarding plot points and character stuff in my story. I'm pleased to say I was on the mark with all of them. :D I only have one possible hiccup in my story idea which I need to look into.
Next stop: random panicked ramblings on my writing LJ from now on so my flist is finally free of my TVD blathering.