Hello to you all. n.nv
Ok, so here's the thing: I want to write more. Here's the other thing: Inspiration sometimes likes to take a very long trip away from me and comes back at odd times -when I dont have a pen for example or standing up at my job (both of which are annoying and extremely frustrating in more ways then one)- SO! To remedy the situation, I have come up with something...
By the time you finish reading all this, the sane me will be gone and I think you will find me crazy. And not in the good way, unless your mind is twisted like mine~ I already think am I just thinking of this.
Okay! So my idea is a game of luck of some sorts and fate. I have, on paper, written down the 15 members of Super Junior. I have cut up those papers and folded them up so as not to see the names. -See where Im going with this? Not yet? Let me elaborate.
Along with the 15 names, I have cut up five other "sections" or "things."
1) Numbers from 1 to 8 (6-7-8 also include a dash where it can be 7 members or ALL of them, same with 6 and 8.) (The name that appears first, if the number is 3 or less, tops.)
2) The 26 letters of the alphabet.
3) A rating, from PG to R.
4) A genre, ex: fluff, dark, real life.
5) The number of words. From 200 to 1000+. (The word count may change if a) inspiration is cut short or b) making it longer or shorter would be better for the fic as a whole.) The range of words starts from 200 and goes by multiples of 100, so like 200, 300, 400 all the way to 1000 or more. A one-shot can easily be 356 words like it can be 1470 words long. It all depends. :3
Ok, now get it?
Maybe, maybe not?
Here comes my master plan. ^^
I shall pick one of the pieces of paper that has a number on it. For example, I pick 2. Then, I shall go and pick 2 Super Junior members. If I had picked 7, I would go and pick seven Super Junior members.
Next, I will pick a rating from the list that I have. After that, I will pick a genre and a letter. When that is all done, the letter that I have picked, I will have to find a word starting with that letter and incorporate that word INTO my one-shot. I will probably use a dictionary for this and pick the first word I see starting with that letter, since using random words from my brain probably wont be a good idea.
-Yes, they will all be one-shots unless I have this fuuuucking good idea worthy of being grown into chapters-
Now, here comes the catch.
What I have picked, I have to write. UNLESS IT TOTALLY DISTURBS ME, as in I make these huge eyes, shiver, have nightmares and never looks at the members the same way. Even then, I still might try. (lol I like torturing myself it seems...)
SO, if I go and do a test run *doing it now* and I pick...
Number: 2
Members: Kangin and Zhoumi (Oh dear, please make it a low rating....NOT NC-17 or something...><)
Genre: Love. (fuck)
Rating: PG-16. (hudhsnwajkfhs)
Letter: X (OMG WAE)
Word count: 500.
So, I'd have to, uh, write a Kangin/Zhoumi fic with the theme being "love" with a PG-16 rating along with a word beginning with X somewhere in there and it has to be around 500 words, more or less. That sounds fun. Not. (I CAN play around with things and maybe use the letter in another way if the letter isnt helping (LIKE X) and also take it away. BUT I cannot take anything else away, the letter being there to fuel my imagination more then anything else and give me a boost when needed.)
ANYWAY! You get the jist of it. I shall try to do at least 2-3 per week, and if I see that this is as fun as it sounds, I'll go for more! I'll go for trying this out for 2 weeks. If it goes smoothly and does not impeed tooooo much on my "real" like AKA my (jdskfnvsgsr) jobs, yes with an S, then I'll add maybe one or two weeks more and then maybe the entire summer. ^^
Still think Im sane?
PS. I think I will want to hang myself somewhere along the way.
PPS. Why is this stressing me? (?)_(?)
ANYONE CAN JOIN ME IN THIS JOURNEY IF THEY WANT TO. If not, well, watch as I squirm and wither up on my chair -bed- trying to do this. :)
(Can I like have copyrights on this?...) *slinks off and..*
*...goes to hunt for a dictionary* 8D