(no subject)

Nov 19, 2004 01:15

this is not an attack on anyone, just an attempt to explain.

By MalaKai

Halls of Illusions

“The Dark Carnivals’ messages are in our lyrics. It's almost like all our lyrics are in code to the whole world. Nobody really hears what we're saying except for the Juggalos. They hear us. They know exactly what we're saying. Only a special, open-minded Juggalo can hear The Dark Carnival speaking to he or she through our music. The critics, the magazines, MTV…yeah they still hate us, but that's just because they don't understand us. They can't hear what we're really saying, so to them we just suck. They're not listening for it so they'll never hear it. That's fine. Fuck them. The Dark Carnival preaches to everyone in many different ways. Shaggy and me are just one of it's ways to reach people. For example, even an old lady that plays Bingo every weekend will eventually hear the words of the Dark Carnival, only it will be through a different outlet. Something that interests her will give her the message. Whether or not she acts upon it is up to her. Whatever this force is, it reaches us all, whether you heed its’ warnings or not is your own choice.”

-Violent J, Insane Clown Posse

For the past eight years, I have been part of a subculture and spiritual philosophy known as the Dark Carnival. Adherents of this way of life are known as “Juggalos,” and it started with the group Insane Clown Posse over a decade ago. ‘Unity’ would be the one word to describe the common bond I share with these other people, who may listen to different music then me, dress differently than me, practice a different religion, are of a different skin color, and may even speak another language. Scores of diverse people who have embraced this subculture from all corners of the globe respect each other as family and truly rise above the scope of the “Golden Rule” that all major religions follow on some form or fashion. In fact, instead of treating each other as we would like to be treated individually, we treat others greater than we would ourselves, as each of us is our collective number one priority. There has never been a fight at any related concert or event, ever. Also, no one would ever make fun of you for what kind of shoes you wear, what kind of clothes you wear, and how you present yourself. In fact, if you were getting mugged in the middle of the street and a fellow member of this group came across you, s/he would help you even if they have never met you. Others recognize us as the largest underground subculture in existence, and we hope to remain untapped and unexploited by the media. We are many and we are diverse, recognizing all the bullshit and injustice in the world today and speaking out against it. The influence this way of life has planted upon me shapes the way I live and see society, and still continues to teach me about myself, life, and the universe.
We are what you would call outcasts; the people who always sat in the back of class and always got picked last for a team in physical education. We are the ones with the courage to remain ourselves and not conform to the mindless masses that are controlled by shining popularity and the crown of MTV and every major corporation and conglomerate that constantly threatens and limits the existence of individuality and freethinking; This also transcends to political, economic, and especially socio-logical implications of justice and liberty in contemporary times. The world hates us because of this, because we are constantly guided by what we feel and believe is true and just, what the world can be like and how we can slowly make it this way, by realizing that we need to stop hating each other and the planet which we occupy. Think this sounds far-fetched? Others think so too. Hell, we have been kicked out of Hot Topic (mainstream distributor for “underground” products that appeals to social outcasts) in malls for being “too different.” Juggalos are probably the most culturally diverse, self-expressive, unique and creative people I know personally. Everyone is on an even level, even Insane Clown Posse and their founded Psychopathic Records, because we all grew up the same way and harnessed the same beliefs and ideas of life. There is no such thing as a hierarchy in this society, which we truly believe to be utopia.

The basic elements of spirituality in this philosophy are deep-rooted in Buddhism and Eastern thought, but more then anything it is a warning to live a better life and treat it with rationality and passion, not with greed and indulgence. The Dark Carnival is seen as a guiding force to live more prosperous and vibrant lives, and it has single-handedly given me a reason to even care about living in a world which judges people on face value, and live around people who see others for what they have instead of who they are. There are six spiritual deities, or beings, which guide the Carnival’s believers to better themselves: which means elimination of ego-integrity, practicing cultural relativism in place of ethnocentrism and objectivism, the elimination of false cognitive ties within a conformist society, the elimination of greed, ignorance, indulgence, attachment and jealousy, and so on. Basically, these deities aid the believer in looking past all of the lies that society has conveniently laid out in front of them and to truly see and understand things for what they really are and with greater conscious awareness. Believers, then, are able to realize the genuine ‘oneness’ within everything that is, gain a more profound respect for life, and release samsara (or suffering) in the process. The ability to relate synthesis to life is the ability to pull unrelated things together and then become aware of the fact that they have more in common than they do not, which is an especially important notion to consider when the world is armed to the teeth and ready to destroy itself at will. The six deities mentioned above correspond to the six “tests” of the afterlife in purgatory, which resides between Shangri-La (heaven) and Shangri-Li (hell). Purgatory in this respect is the location of the bona-fide “Carnival.” It is a place where you confront the butterfly you killed as a child (another component to Dark Carnival lore), the person you tormented in high school, and the place where your final destination is determined based on the life that you have lived. As you die, you experience a rapture of fleeting and flickering thoughts and emotions because of the 10-12 minuets left of brain activity that exists after everything else has shut down. As the soul disintegrates and floats away, it is picked up by a circus wagon, which takes you to purgatory in the form of a gigantic carnival. As you travel across desolate lands, you begin to feel the presence of the carnival and can make out the shadows of vast tents and silhouetted carnival rides. You begin to feel fear, true fear, because this carnival is anything but friendly; in fact, it is the place where the bad seeds of the world experience torture beyond description, and never leave. From the distance, and as you approach closer and nearer, you can begin to hear the clanking of hammers setting up the carnival as if by itself, and the sound of a thousand animals moving about with calliope music echoing in the background, but you have yet to see anyone or anything behind these noises. You then experience the carnival in its’ full horror. A sea of people move about in a trance-like state, some of which are smiling and excited, others are in complete shock. Costumed clowns and freak shows walk about the premises. You can hear the tents and flags rustling in the wind, and you also begin to make out 6 distinct faces on some of the flags. Insane Clown Posse depicted this saga in the form of six LPs called Jokers Cards. The first card is the Carnival Of Carnage, released in 1991, which introduced the world to the philosophy of the Dark Carnival and bestowed the beginning seeds of wisdom to all who would take the knowledge seriously. In essence, the Carnival of Carnage and the Dark Carnival have similar meanings, both on Earth and in Purgatory, whether you want to view it as simply a state of mind or an alternate universe/dimension existing out of the reaches of time and space, etc, on one hand, and the real world which we all experience daily on the other. The second Jokers Card is known as the Ringmaster, who is the encompassing force behind The Dark Carnival and the Carnival of Carnage. It is this entity that ultimately decides your souls’ final resting place, interpreted to the choices made in ones’ life. Below is the inside cover information of this album:

“The day has come...the time of reckoning. Who will perish in dreaded hell and who's soul will be content within the pleasures of heaven? Looking past the words spoken with a wicked tongue and the evil deeds done within one's life..looking into the consciousness of man. What is the real evil that seems to plague mankind? Who are the real demons that walk this earth? Is it those whose minds have become devious because of a lifetime spent trapped in a caged hell, or is it those who invented this caged hell years ago and have done nothing to help destroy it? Who's guilty? Frankenstein, or the doctor who created it? The sword, or the man who has slain with it? Which is the real evil -- the man who kills another for food, or the man who does not share his food to prevent the killing? While you sit in judgment of a criminal, you may very well be the one who's guilty of greed, deception, and hatred. Those who are rejected at the gates of heaven shall be dragged off into the pits of hell -- viciously torn from this life by the non-living, the phantoms of the dead. These beasts take the form of a demented carnival, that of a wicked, dark circus, led by one. One who was created by your own evil ways..one who will judge your very fate..one known only as... the Ringmaster.”

The final test is in the form of the third Jokers Card and is known as the Riddlebox. You are now walking about the carnival grounds and exploring everything that it entails: horrid rides, the house of mirrors, a funhouse, gypsy tents, freak shows, among many other things. Finally, you come to a tent and decide to enter. All that is in this tent is a decrepitated box resting on a table. There is a fading painted question mark on the front of this box and a crank on its side. You are finally compelled and ready to turn the crank and as the music begins to end you are in a state of final shock as you reveal if you are going to graduate to Shangri-La or spend the rest of eternity in infinite demise and torture:

“Time flows like a dark horde, consuming all in its path. Man lives his life in the blink of an eye. Just as day becomes night, all life fades into death. In death, each person will be judged for his deeds performed while alive. There are the few who walk the path of greed, their souls host to demons. Time slows near each person's end, as those whose deeds were evil grasp onto life as long as they can. Though they don't know what awaits them in the afterlife, they do know for them it is a horror beyond words. Time stops in this world, as the heart becomes still and the soul leaves the body. Time is eternal and even in death it is but a new beginning. For you see, when you step into death, your soul steps upon the floor of a dark chamber and you look to see it empty, except for a strange looking box on an old wooden table. On the front of the box, you will see a question mark faded with time and a twisted crank handle on its side. As you turn the handle, a sharp melodic tune will fill the air with a deafening noise of terror. The surprise comes when the music stops and the top of the box pops open and its contents are revealed. For the few, they will see a vision of God granting them eternal peace, with a wash of golden light warming their soul. The rest will see an image of hell, spawned and formed from their own evil; a reflection of their soul with fog seeping from the box, stripping their sanity. What will be in store for you is the mystery, but if you take a look within yourself, you will find the answer. For now, you still have time to change the outcome of the mighty Riddle Box.” The fourth Jokers Card is called the Great Milenko, the master of necromancy and deception. This figure is a mirror reflection of every wrong you have ever made in life and helps you to reveal everything you need to change about yourself and your ways before death:
“From deep within the Netherworld of shadow walkers comes yet another exhibit of the Dark Carnival. He is the master of the art of using magic without magic... He is a Necromancer... the craft of using magic through the dead. Dead meaning both physically and mentally, this spectacle shall be witnessed only by those who are meant to see it. Look deep inside of your soul and ask yourself... Do you hold a ticket to witness the show? The answer lies within yourself. He is the fourth to rise. He feeds upon one's own greed. He is powered by one's own jealousy, lust, and temptation. To envision yourself with something that rightfully does not belong to you... that is the illusion cast by him. To act upon this vision and seek it out at the expense of another... that is the magic cast by him. Continuous dreamers of profit at the cost of another are pledged and haunted by his wizardry. Others are content and satisfied with what they can achieve by themselves and have not the urge to tamper with another's well being for quick gain. They see him only as a hoax and see no illusions or magic by he. It is simple... He is you. His illusions are your evil thoughts. Your evil acts are his magic - yesterday, now, and forever. You and he are the fourth to rise... You and he are the master of Necromancy... You are the dead and he the magic. Together, you and he are The Great Milenko.” The fifth Jokers Card is a twin group of juggling candle-flames known as the Amazing Jeckel Brothers, who juggle flames which are symbolic of sins committed in waking life. The more sins you have against you that weigh down your chances for eternal bliss, pure enlightenment, and peace, the less of a chance that they are able to juggle them without dropping any. Jack Jeckel, who represents evil, is always throwing the sins to Jake Jeckel, who represents all that is good within an individual, so the challenge of this performance is reminiscent to the faculty of ones’ conscience. “Jack and Jake Jeckel rest in all of us for they are the very fabric of our being conscience and soul. There is no escape from their juggling act because there is no way to escape from ourselves. Only in death will we realize this as we twist and spin to the other side.” The sixth and final card in this saga was released November of last year and is known as the Wraith, which acts as the “grim reaper” deity who takes you to where ever it is that your soul is destined/determined to go:

“A presence can be felt by those who have followed the epic saga as told by the Insane Clown Posse. It is a presence that is synonymous with the crumbling of time itself. Thus emerges a being so powerful that he can exist between both the land of the living, and that of the dead. He goes by many names but is known to the living only as the Wraith. He walks upon worlds forgotten, and descends from heavens; fade into gray to witness the death of all mortal things, so that he may guide the departed upon the path that they have chosen (Shangri-La). Here is the story of the path to Shangri-La, the 6th Jokers Card. Only now will we truly understand the meaning of the saga, for this saga all along, each Jokers Card, is actually none other than... The echo of our lives.”

I grew up with these Jokers Cards and they have singly and collectively shaped my personal theological, sociological, philosophical, and spiritual beliefs and outlooks towards life. There is so much rich symbolism, reoccurring themes, and motifs, which include conscience, the number 17, karma, time, fate, etc., in this whole world of thought that in order to accurately talk about them would be to write far beyond the scope of what this paper is meant to convey. Also, this essay as a whole barely scratches the surface of what this culture and its beliefs are all about. Shrouded in mystery, there have been many bizarre occurrences in my life and in the lives of others with direct parallels to the teachings of the Dark Carnival. The central mystery behind this saga is the phrase “There will be six faces of the Dark Carnival. After all six have risen, the end will consume us all.” This was recently decided to mean the end of our individual lives, as we all must confront The Dark Carnival throughout out lives and especially when we die. In the Wraith, The Carnival was revealed to be God, the all empowering supreme being of the known Universe, which conveniently ties in with whatever religion Juggalos of the world practice. At this time I do not wish to delve into the many uncanny circumstances surrounding many of the often prophetic examples in ICP’s music, but I will name a few of the most notable. For example, the Amazing Jeckel Brothers was released in 1998, and in the song “Everybody Rise,” Shaggy 2 Dope (ICP member) says, “I make towers shatter, I hoop the moon through the rings of Saturn.” The events of 9-11 later in the future were seen to have shown through when that verse was first uttered, as the moon and the planet Saturn were in perfect alignment on the date of September 11th, 2001. Also, whenever a Jokers Card was released, the planets were in perfect alignment with the Earth, which may or may not have been planned by two high-school dropouts (ICP). Another popular theory is that in the era of each Jokers Card there has been a major world event. Carnival of Carnage was paralleled to the Desert Storm conflict, which later influenced current military operation in the Middle East. The Riddlebox was seen to represent the Jonesboro cult suicide massacre; The Amazing Jeckel Brothers represents the Columbine massacre, etc.

The actual music of Insane Clown Posse (and others on the same record label) is very misunderstood and frequently mistaken. Horrorcore hip-hop is to Detriot, where ICP is from, as gangsta rap is to the west coast. Horrcore originated over a decade ago most notably with rapper Esham, who developed a style of rap that dealt with fear. Fear comes in many forms. Just imagine a horror movie in song form, and you can begin to form an interpretation of what it involves. Insane Clown Posse took to this emerging style of musical presentation and raised the notch considerably, which, less than ten years later, became the standard of all contemporary mainstream music with similar themes and ideas. Some of ICP’s songs contain nothing but messages of the Dark Carnival, others are just for fun and have no real serious implications behind them, and others are both. It takes a Juggalo to distinguish what is there purely for Juggalo entertainment and what messages ICP is trying to spread across. ICP sees themselves not as prophets or religious fanatics but simply as messengers. The Dark Carnival was obviously here before they were, only in others forms and for different individuals. The Dark Carnival is what all of the frustrated and alienated outcasts of society can cling onto in a lesser sense, which makes many from etic (or outsider) perspectives see us as a sort of cult or alternative religion. None of these comparisons are true, since there is no hierarchy and everyone is free to speak their mind, argue and even disagree sometimes, we still respect each other’s beliefs like they are our own and realize that different people see things from different vantage points. In this respect, the Dark Carnival is certainly not a cult by definition. As with a religion, which is often subject to rules and law, the Dark carnival fails to become an organized/recognized practice since there are no obligations and no exact truths, and no concrete doctrines as well, however there is an established Church of the Dark Carnival. We are meant to derive our own meanings from what we are given in life.

Psychopathic Records was established in the early days of ICP and to this day, continues to be the most successful independent and underground record label in operation. It represents the truest example of nonconformity and rebellion that the industry has ever seen; it is the means by which everything is able to happen. Not only does Psychopathic produce music, but there is a clothing company (Hatchet Gear), a Psychopathic Films branch, as well as Psychopathic Sports, which owns and operates a Juggalo-influenced wrestling federation which is actually the second highest-grossing organization behind the WWE. Everything is done without MTV and the corporate mainstream. The main reason why MTV hates Psychopathic Records and all of the Juggalos is because they know that this universe of originality, creativity, and true dynamic human spirit, is something that they can’t take and bastardize because we simply won’t allow it to happen. MTV can’t understand how Insane Clown Posse, Twiztid, Dark Lotus, Blaze, ABK, Esham, Jumpsteady, Zug Izland, etc. (groups from the label) can be so successful without their help.

To illustrate the relationship I have to this subculture I will talk about this years’ Gathering of the Juggalos, which is an annual event held by the record label, more technically held by everyone involved. Any of the money that this label receives, because it is independent and not commercialized, goes right back to us, so it’s a win-win situation. Imagine all of these people who are automatically best “friends” for life from all parts of the world meeting up at one place and at one time. July 17th through the 21st, it was held at a remote campground located in a rural part of southeastern Ohio. Although I have never been to any of these events below, I am sure beyond all doubt that it was better then Woodstock, Lollapalooza, Ozzfest, and the Vans’ Warped Tour combined. The Gathering is so different and unique that it can’t even really be compared to anything else. For five days it was like a cloud-nine paradise mixed with a long-lost family reunion. Tears were brought to eyes as people realized that these people grew up just like they did, never fitting in, always getting picked on, unstable home life, etc. There is more love in the Juggalo family then most people have in their immediate family. It has given many a reason to live and pulled many more out of suicidal stages. Everyone this year had the time of their life. It was utterly generation and youth defining. There was madness in every direction and at any hour for those five days in a forest out in the middle of nowhere. Concerts, events, parties, seminars, dances, campfires, psychedelic drugs, as well as what can only be described as an atmosphere of pure magic was experienced. As expected, cops outside of this privately owned park were pulling people over for no reason and doing all they could to incite a riot out of these people for any reason to shut down the event, but we were all so respectful of the county that let us be there in the first place that there were no problems between us and the police whatsoever. Our peace prevailed, and the only problem in five days and with 5,000 people was a near drowning, the victim of which showed up the next day after sneaking out of the hospital. Because we are so different and misunderstood, the police expected there to be many problems but we were, in the end, the most peaceful and respectful group of people that the park had ever seen. In fact, the last 2 day Phish concert and music festival they had with half as many people reported hundreds of fights and dozens of incidents of rape. There were none whatsoever at the Gathering.

Growing up, I did not have many friends. In fact, I had no one

there for me outside of my immediate family to help me through hard times and connect with me on a philosophical level. Every young kid today steps out of the shower in the morning and then becomes someone they are not. The rap kids, the rock kids, the punk kids, and so on, it just seems like the young today project how they wish to be perceived because of the manufactured fear they experience when they do not fit in. I never did fit in. Not only was I unsure about what I wanted to be and how I would go about making others believe I was really this, but also I was plagued and tormented for just being myself, especially in high school. It was then, in freshmen year, I began to realize just how screwed up the world of the young really is thanks to many but most notably MTV and clothing companies such as Aeropostale, Abercrombie and Fitch, and others. High school for me, like Billy Corgan said, “was a weird biosphere of envy, meanness, and jealousy. You walk into high school with a pretty open mind and you quickly realize where you exist on the ‘food chain.’ This guy’s cuter and this guy plays on the football team so he gets fucked even though he’s ugly, you get a scheme of the world pretty fast.” I remember the kids in high school telling me that they would befriend me if I stopped wearing ICP shirts and I began to realize the emptiness within mainstream youth culture. The “popular” kids today, like MTV, hate Juggalos. They naturally shun us as a whole as if we don’t belong on the individual basis, and that’s fine with me because I have never associated myself with being a member of their persuasion. I can proudly say that I have never been a member of adolescent conformist society, I was always the geeky kid with ideas and too much to say, and I hope I stay this way. Being a Juggalo I know I will.

It is just too unfortunate that the world refuses to learn from our success of being able to run a civilization void of the social anxieties and problems that we as a world put up with daily. The Gathering 2003 and the ICP concert I went to just last night are two of the many events within my subculture and preferred beliefs that continue to shape my relationship with those quiet people who you always thought were losers. Perhaps we are losers, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am proud of myself for refusing to submit into the world of shadows reflected off the wall of Plato’s cave, and I am especially proud of everyone else who has done the same. Juggalos are absolutely no joke, and while being kept a secret to the world, we silently grow. Only the future knows what is in store for the continuing development of my chosen way of life. Whatever the case, I know for a fact that I will never change my beliefs or remove my tattoo, throw out my cds or start wearing different clothes. ICP, Juggalos, and the Dark Carnival will continue to be my essential component until I am dead and gone, for all eternity and a day.

on another note: props to Leslie for deciding to feed me cause i can see my ribs again...
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