Title: 10th Million Pairings: Kiwoon, slight! Dooseob, ninja! Junseung Warnings: male pregnancy, no seriously. Summary: He was pregnant but he ran away.
Okay, so..mpreg. Never could really write this kinda stuff xD and dammit Kiki, Woonie already told you that he wanted to be the father so just let him!!! *kicks. And BangHim in the end...I see someone obsessed now hehehe.
Although I feel like the story may be a bit rushing (might be better if you turn it into chaptered stories, perhaps?) but I get the feeling. Don't worry about the writer's block. It's posted, right? Yeay!
Comments 1
Okay, so..mpreg. Never could really write this kinda stuff xD and dammit Kiki, Woonie already told you that he wanted to be the father so just let him!!! *kicks. And BangHim in the end...I see someone obsessed now hehehe.
Although I feel like the story may be a bit rushing (might be better if you turn it into chaptered stories, perhaps?) but I get the feeling. Don't worry about the writer's block. It's posted, right? Yeay!
Love you baby P <3
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