Title: Ilhoon Part 2 [akaipenguin's spin off]
Summary: Ilhoon is still a fanboy after 15 years and he, just like Dongwoon, would do anything for the pretty male.
Pairings: Ilsik, Kiwoon
Notes: soo i couldn't drop the fact that Jintaek got away with abusing Gikwanggie so this was made~ >:3 AND YEAHHHH ILHOON!
flowerymisha NNIE FOR LETTING ME DO THIS!! :333
Read original fic here --->
http://flowerymisha.livejournal.com/25135.html "You mean I was the one who pulled them together?"
"Yeah, you kept screaming for Gikwang when you were almost two. Kept crying when Dongwoon wouldn't let you see him."
"Babe, don't forget about the fact that Dongwoon used him as an excuse."
"Oh! That! Dongwoon took you out for baby sitting cause you always seem to be Gikwang's magnet or something. It was really funny back then."
"Appa, are you saying that I'm like their cupid?"
"Yeah, you got them to meet, them go out dating, and well, hitched."
"Hitched? Appa, hitched?"
"Ask your ohma." Junhyung smoothly said.
"Well, yeah! When Dongwoon found out about Jintaek he exploded and became all possesive about his new baby."
"And the fact that he got jealous when you kept hogging him, keeping all his attention on you and just you."
"Sssh, Jun. He doesn't need to know that."
"But Seu! It was true! Dongwoon could and would kill for Gikwang and you know how possesive your brother gets. The only one person he couldn't injure was him, our baby, his beloved nephew." Junhyung smirked.
15 years have past since Ilhoon first saw Gikwang at the train station and by damn, Gikwang still looks just as good.
"Da!!" Ilhoon beamed, practically running to his new favourite uncle. Dongwoon glared at him.
"Get your fanboy hands off my husband, Ilhoon."
"You're just jealous, Da loves me more." Ilhoon glued himself to Gikwang who could only smile at the two of them. His eyes turned into crescent shaped when Ilhoon turned to him.
Yong Ilhoon grew up pretty fast, he grew up into some one handsome, muscular and 90 percent like his appa, Jun appa. They looked alike, had the same taste, dressed alike and even their hair styles sometimes match! But he's a good kid, way smarter than Junhyung and he exercises way more than the older Yong. Gikwang personally thinks that's thanks to his ohma, Hyunseung.
"So, have you got yourself a lover yet?" Ilhoon's face immediately turned red at Gikwang's comment.
"Currently red faced, teenager, 17, high school student, handsome, smart and well nice built up. Gikwang he obviously has one, maybe had many too."
"Woonie, let him talk." Ilhoon stuck his tongue at his uncle.
"Look at him! Kiki you spoil him too much! I brought him up nicely, loving him with all my heart and..."
"You did not! Ohma says you brought me out for baby sitting to meet Da!"
"Since when did you even call my Kiki Da? He's mine in case you forgot." Dongwoon said.
"Woonie." Gikwang warned. Dongwoon pouted at him and Ilhoon grinned,"Now tell me about your lover."
"H-His name is Hyunsik. Lim Hyunsik. He's two years older."
"A hyung?" Gikwang beamed.
"How did you meet him? The same way you met Gikwang I presume?" When Ilhoon turned to his favorite uncle, stared at the male and remained silent, Dongwoon looked up from his food,"I was right? Ilhoon, what is up with you and trains? I mean, your birth parents met in a train, my brother met your appa in a train, you made me meet with Kiki in a train now you too?"
"Well, he's, he's nice and cute and.."
"And probably very hot. Have you two gone out? Texted? Date?" Gikwang beamed.
"Someone's getting excited." Dongwoon said.
"You're just jealous Ilhoon is finally falling for someone other than you." Gikwang said.
"Please, I already have you. Maybe if I met Jintaek I will kick his ass next time."
"Who is Jintaek? Appa and ohma did mention them the other day."
"Jintaek, my ex boyfriend."
"An ass, may I add."
"Woonie. Language."
"Jintaek is Lee Gikwang's abusive, stupid, unappreciative, a total idiot, has issues, violent ex boyfriend and he is someone who almost got killed by me if a certain someone here would had let me to."
"Jintaek. I didn't know about this."
"You were a year old, Hoonie. Obviously you wouldn't know."
"Then what happened?"
"I took him away, he stayed here, with me and you. We dated a bit more then we got hitched. It's been like this ever since."
"Abusive boyfriend. Violent. Da, tell me again why you didn't let Woon appa kill that guy?"
"Because I found it unnecessary to."
Ilhoon just wouldn't drop it since then. He talked about it the rest of that night in the Son household, continued talking about it at the Yong household and now he's even talking about it to his boyfriend. Yes, boyfriend.
"Hyung! Da even said he found it unnecessary! How is that unnecessary? I personally will hunt him down and kick his stupid kissing ass!"
"Babe, Da said it's okay. So it's okay."
Someone entered the bookstore they were part time working at and both looked up. Of course they wouldn't date publicly yet, according to Junhyung they're not that stage yet. But Ilhoon did purposely get the vacant job at the book store so he could spend more time with his new boyfriend and got that grinning smile on his ohma's face when he found out. His ohma gave him a thumbs up but his appa could only sigh.
"If I found this Jintaek guy who abused my Gikwang appa, I'm going to kick his ass so hard, he's going to regret it the rest of his life."
"Mhmm, yeah. He'll be so scared about that, Hoonie. So scared." Hyunsik said in a whatever tone.
"I actually do have a plan about how to make him suffer, ohma taught it was an awesome idea."
"Your ohma said it was awesome? This will be interesting."
"But... It's kinda violent." Hyunsik rolled his eyes.
"Just say it. It's not like there's much to do here."
"Okay. So I was thinking, if I ever do meet him. The first thing I'm going to do is to knock him out. Punch him in the face, then tie him up. Oh, I'm going to be wearing gloves by the way, ohma is worried I might get blood on me when I kill him. After he awakes, I'm going to kick him in the ass. Appa says to give him some sort of poison like sodium cyanide or something but me and ohma think it's too fast. So I said, I'll lay him on the floor and cut his stomach out. Let him bleed to death. But according to Ohma's suggestion, I should break his arms first then chop out his legs. Gikwang appa said he'll still be alive even if you chop his legs off. And then will I only cut his stomach and intestines out. Then leave him to die in his house."
"That is sick. How can your ohma say it's awesome? And is everyone involved with this?" Hyunsik gave him a weird look,"You're not actually killing people behind my back, are you?"
"We're not, hyung. For Gikwang appa, all of us like get really really sadist. I think Woonie appa is rubbing off all of us. Ohma said he used to like to play with toy guns and was kinda violent when he was a kid but he's far from that now. He's nice, smart, possesive yes but yeah, he's a good guy. Though appa did say when he fights, he can kill cause he's really strong, I still love my uncle. Ohma just likes all these kind of stuff, gets amused when people get hurt. Appa personally thinks he's scary." Ilhoon beamed.
"Babe, do you love Gikwanggie appa and Woonie appa more or do you love me more? You always talk bout Gikwanggie appa and Woonie appa like some fanboy." Hyunsik pouted and Ilhoon kissed him.
"Of course I love you more. But if I do meet that Jintaek guy, I will rip his stomach out of his body." he said it while smiling to his boyfriend.
They heard someone drop a book and turned. The man seemed to be in a panicked mode and was he sweating in an air conditioned room? He tripped a few times walking to the counter, clumsily dropped the book once and dropped his wallet a number of times on the counter to top it all, he hastily paid for the book and immediately left the shop, sweat seen at his back.
"What's up with him?"
"Beats me. But would you do that if it was my ex boyfriend?"
"Hyung, I'll do it two times worst if it was you." Hyunsik kissed Ilhoon for that.
"But any idea who this Jintaek guy is? How does he look like?"
"Woonie appa said, the man has a scar on his face. He made it there to remind him to stay away from Gikwanggie appa." and Hyunsik looked at him, frozen,"What's wrong?"
"That man. Just now. He had a huge scar on his face."
It took Ilhoon 5 seconds to process those words.
"I'm going to kill him." just as he was about to jump out of the counter, Hyunsik stops him.
"You kill him and we are over, Mister. I am so not dating a killer." Ilhoon paused and pouted.
"No buts. My decision is final. Take your pick."
Sulking, Yong Ilhoon went back to behind the counter and sat himself next to his demanding boyfriend.
"I'll definitely get him next time. You can run but you can't hide." Ilhoon muttered. Hyunsik barely turned up from the magazine he was reading but he successfully smacked his baby's head.
"Drop it. Gikwanggie appa said it's okay. So it's okay. Now stop talking bout it and come look at this."
Jintaek never once came back to that shop and no one ever saw that male around town ever again.
A/N: first time writing btob otp-s... I dont really know them so i can't really picture how they'll react but hopefully this is okay? :3
And I'm shooooo sorry manager-nim....