Title: Sickness Series: Killers (PART 1)
Pairings: Ori3
Summary: What lies behind those oh so nice, sweet, charming, elite, highly paid kids who together they live under a huge mansion are faces of serial killers.
Notes: This one is split into two parts cause I have a scene of each of them so yes, SIX MURDER SCENES TO EXPERIENCE AND WATCH! 8D and this fic is kind of disguisting so please don't read it before you eat kay? ^^
WARNINGS: please please pleaseeee don't read this before you eat.... =w=
Cross posted at AFF.
"I'll trade you Himchan's scarred hand for Jiyoung's ear."
"A hand for an ear? That's big catch, what's behind it?"
"Don't you know, Doo? Jiyoung's ear is a to die for! And I would love to add the almighty G-dragon's ear to my collection!" Dujun smiled at Junhyung's remark.
"Keep your games for later boys. Dinner's ready." Hyunseung placed the food on the dining table and called the Kiwoon couple down. Yoseob was along side him, helping out with the cultery.
"Wow, tensticles pizza with cum as topping? That is sick, hyung." Dongwoon beamed.
"You should had seen how Seu squeezed the cum out of it. I couldn't stop laughing!" Yoseob laughed.
"Is that blood soup with chopped stomach I see? Mmmm, I like." Gikwang said.
"What's the occasion babe?" Junhyung asked.
"Ou, nothing. Seunghyun fell for the trap and got himself chopped up with the roller that's all."
"Roller? How did you managed to get it out?"
"I didn't." Hyunseung said,"He fell in."
The boys all laughed at that and Hyunseung smiled.
"Hey Seung, what's up? What's with the urgent call?"
"Oh hey Hyung!" Hyunseung smiled, he was lying on top of the car engine as he was fixing it. Seunghyun looked at him and stared at that round ass staring back at him.
"So what's up with you flashing me your juicy ass? I need to go soon, got to handle Jiyoung's family and his stuff. Mina noona is making a huge fuss over his wardorbe."
"Hmm... I was wondering if you would help me with something." Hyunseung smiled faintly.
"Seu, I've known you long enough to know that smile. You obviously have something for me up your sleeve so spill it."
"You really want me to?"
"Sure, how bad could it be?" Hyunseung smirked and took Seunghyun's hand.
"I know you're going through a lot with Jiyoung's death and all and I want you to know how he died."
"Junhyung figured it out already? What did he say?" Seunghyun said. Hyunseung giggled at that and said nothing.
The elder between them looked at Hyunseung with eyes of suspicion. He was led into a room where Hyunseung usually places his tools and equidments and as they walked, a sharp smell entered Seunghyun's nostrils and he wide eyed. He stopped in his tracks when he realised what smell it was.
"Seu," Seunghyun said.
"Hmm?" Hyunseung was still smiling as he tugged at Seunghyun's hand. He held it with a dead grip and the taller male knew, he had no way out of it. Despite his fragile looks and thin body, Hyunseung's strength was unbelievably strong. He carried on walking and they stopped a few steps later.
"Why is there smell of blood in your garage, Seu?" he said, his voice slightly shaking.
"Just be patient, Seunghyun." Hyunseung started dragging him seeing as he was prolounging time, his patience wasn't something you can take for granted for.
Seunghyun gulped as he could smell the stench getting stronger and stronger. It couldn't be. They said Hyunseung was the last person who saw Jiyoung before he disappeared and Hyunseung's text message to meet up was the last text message in Jiyoung's phone. They tried to believe someone else did it but.. It couldn't be right?
Cause the next thing, Seunghyun saw was a blood stained wall.
He froze, eyes wide open. He stared at the wall and towards Hyunseung.
"Seu, tell me that's just you playing riffle." Hyunseung laughed.
"I would but nope. I told you I know how Jiyoung died remember?"
Seunghyun took in a deep breath, he doesn't think he actually wants to know. The look in Hyunseung's eyes was different, it looked like it turned red and it was like he was staring death in the face.
"GD came here when I called him too, texted him actually. Said I wanted to hang out, we did. We talked, we discussed about stuff and it was fun. Too bad he turned and saw the wrong things. Dujun was bringing in a fresh body home and freaked out. He ran and he found our blood bank collection, it's a rule in the house to destroy anyone who saw what they're not suppose to see."
"Hmm?" Hyunseung said, smiled finally blooming in his face, those red blood like eyes stayed though.
"Jiyoung is your childhood friend."
"I know," Hyunseung whined,"But he wouldn't just sit still and he started freaking out. The more he ran the more he found stuff and we just had to erase him."
"Erase? Seung."
"So we killed him. I killed him, actually. I hit him with a spannar right towards his left side of the head. It cracked his skull almost immediately," Hyunseung laughed,"He collapsed holding his head, blood coming out of his eyes. I hit again under his neck, making him look upwards, blood splashing on the walls. I knew he would try to run so I turned and took a hammer instead. As he started to run i threw the hammer right to his left leg, smashing some bones. The sound of it was beautiful and I should had recorded it. He started limping away as I picked up my hammer. I walked up to him and stood next to him, I smiled as I swung the hammer to his back, making him scream. He fell to the floor and he crawled towards the wall. He sat against the walls and tried his best to stand up. He tried and I let him too, I watched as he stood up and when he did, I slammed the hammer to his stomach and he spit blood out. It dirtied my clothes and I didn't like it one bit. So I punched him with the hammer. I smashed him right and left with it, painting my white wall red, I remember using the nail pulling side to puncture holes in his arms as I slammed the hammer down on it. I broke his legs, I puncture his stomach, his arms were hanging lifelessly and I saw he was still strugling for life so I help him end the pain. I made him stand up, turned him towards the wall and I smashed his neck, breaking it and dislocating it from his body. His head dropped forward, blood was everywhere, and my wall was painted beautifully."
Hyunseung smiled towards the male whose face has lost its color. Seunghyun stared at him with what looked like fear, it was like he knew what was going to come for him and he knew, by Hyunseung telling him this it means it's his turn too.
"Seu, we're friends right?" he said.
"Of course we are!" Hyunseung beamed,"You took it better than I thought you would!"
"That's wonderful then!" Seunghyun tried to smile but his cold sweat dripped down his spine and he knew Hyunseung knew he was lying.
Hyunseung walked them to a certain place and Seunghyun saw it was a roller stuck in a huge metal box. How it ended up in there was a mystery that even Beast can't explain it to you. Hyunseung walked to the edge and ushered Seunghyun to do the same.
"See that? It's a roller."
"Wow, how did it get it there?"
"That's the roller Chuckie used to smash the people with." Seunghyun gulped as he took a step back from it. Hyunseung gripped on his hand and clamped it back on the railings.
"Seu," The older said, his voice cracked and Hyunseung smiled.
"Are you afraid hyung? Of me? Your childhood friend?"
"N-No," Seunghyun laughed awkwardly,"Why would I be?"
"You're sweating hyung. My garage is always 14 degrees so it's impossible for someone to start sweating." the older laughed awkwardly at that but he was replied with silence,"Hyung. Do you want to have a closer look at the roller Chuckie used?"
"N-Nah, it's okay."
"Chuckie is a real boring show. I could kill better than him when I was 5! He obviously doesn't know how to destroy someone."
"Seung." Seunghyun said, he tried to pulls his hand but Hyunseung clammed it tighter.
"I mean like come on! How is it possible that a doll has sex with another doll and then has a damn baby! It's stupid!"
"Plus he killed his so called girlfriend! Where is his brains? Oh wait. He's a doll he doesn't have brains!" the red head laughed.
"Jang Hyunseung." Seunghyun said, he pulled his hand roughly and it startled Hyunseung a bit. The younger looked at him with his huge doe eyes and Seunghyun gulped.
"I'm leaving now. Jiyoung's family is probably looking for me." Hyunseung nodded and Seunghyun turned.
Seunghyun turned as the next thing he knew he was flying down from where he was standing. Hyunseung was standing above him holding a crowbar and he was waving. TOP reached the ground and he groaned in pain. He looked at Hyunseung and the younger smiled at him.
"Have a nice ride, hyung!" he said as he pressed a black device in his hand. The machine started moving and Seunghyun stared in horror. He started screaming as he try to stand up on the rolling mat below him, he was getting closer and closer to the roller and he looked at Hyunseung who was merely just smiling at him. The mat stopped moving but the roller started moving forward, Seunghyun shouted for help as it came nearer and nearer towards him. The elder looked one last time towards the younger and he was crushed beyond recognision.
His body parts were crushed, blood splatted everywhere like a second layer to the layers of dried blood and rusted metal. The roller had blades which chopped into pieces his limbs, flattening it along the way and they were everywhere when Hyunseung pushed to roller back in place. It was a beautiful and bloody sight. Hyunseung could only smile as he took the body parts piece by piece out of the container.
"Hey sexy." Junhyung says, hands snaking around Hyunseung's waist.
"Need some help with the dishes?"
"Well obviously!" Junhyung chuckles as he releases his arms and stands next to his love of his life. He hums a tune and Hyunseung smiles.
"I love that song."
"I know, that's why I made it for you." They kiss and they break it smiling, resuming their work.
They work in comfortable silence as Hyunseung soaps the dishes and Junhyung rinses them. Dongwoon enters the kitchen some time later.
"The blood wouldn't come off your shirt."
"Awww... But I liked that shirt."
"You want to keep it in your gallery or do you want to dispose it? Kiki wants to clean up."
"I can always buy you another one of that, babe."
"But that's the shirt we got together with! And it's the shirt I killed Zico with!"
"Oh! You mean that shirt?"
"Yes. That shirt I used when I chopped Zico up with my new chopping knife and the shirt which I wore when I reshaped Hara with the logging saw."
"Fine. Maknae put it in our room. We'll deal with it."
"Okay." Dongwoon smiled and walked out the kitchen.
"So the reason why you wanted to keep that shirt so badly was cause we had our first sex with it?" Hyunseung blushed.
"And that." Junhyung leaned in, hand reaching to turn off the faucet and kissed Hyunseung. Their kissed turned into a heated one and it would had gone a lot hotter if Yoseob didn't just barged in.
"Sorry to interrupt but my meatloaf is ready."
"What's this thing over here?"
"Hmm? Oh that's just an oven." Yoseob said, his back was facing towards Seungho as he mixed the ingredients of his meatloaf.
"An oven? But it's huge!" Yoseob stopped his stuff and walked towards it oven. He opened it and stood at the door, head peaking into the oven.
"It's old so it's huge. It's a prized possession you know."
"Really?" Yoseob moves aside as Seungho walks into the oven. Yoseob's wide grin forms on his face as he watches Seungho explore his oven. He slowly shuts the door and presses the buttons to set the oven on timer. Yoseob them plays some music, loud music drowning Seungho's furious tuggings at the oven door as it gets hotter an hotter. His screams are muffled by the song and Yoseob sings as he mixes the ingredients.
Half an hour later and Seungho is at the edge of life and death. He stares as Yoseob finally opens the door and looks at him, he brings a pulley and carries him on it and wheels him downstairs.
Once downstairs, Yoseob takes out a chopping knife and Seungho tries to scream. It ends up as a whimper and Yoseob turns to look at his face. His smile was replaced with a frown.
"I thought you'll be dead by now." the smile was back and the look in his eyes was scary. It was reddish in color and Seungho knew he was looking at his murderer,"It's okay though. Cause you're going to experience your own murder."
Seungho shut his eyes and he soon felt a sharp pain on his legs. Yoseob was breaking his bones, bit by bit. He could feel as Yoseob folded his legs down to up, he could feel as Yoseob used very little force to break his knees and his joints at his ankles. He could feel Yoseob breaking each and every bone as he went higher, his hands were next, arms, shoulders, his spine and finally his neck.
Seungho looked at Yoseob in fear. He was small but he looked like he's used to be doing things like this. Yoseob caressed his face as the life in Seungho went away.
Yoseob turned Seungho facing downwards, where his neck was above a hole, he pressed something and the metal table tilted downwards. Yoseob took out a knife and slit the older's throat, blood gushing out of the neck. Seungho had died from excessive blood loss now by the way.
Then Yoseob waited till the blood all left the body, he drew lines as to where he would want to chop and once he was done, half of the body's blood has been drained out. So he took the chopping knife and chopped Seungho's legs off. Piece by piece he chopped.
He chopped the legs at the feet and knees, he chopped his tights, he slid open his stomach and took out his internal organs, he chopped the hands off, he chopped the head off and next the carefully chopped the body to 4 pieces. He placed them all in a bucket which was on the pulley, the internal organs in another and he placed the head in a box. Blood was dripping out of it but Yoseob wasn't minded by it at all.
The small sized male then pushed the pulley to another machine, a grinder and he opened the thing. He placed Seungho's 4 piece body and slowly placed it inside of the grinder. He turned it on and the grinder smashed everything in it. What was once a body of a human was now the minced version of the body. Yoseob happily took the minced meat which was poured out into a smaller blue bucket and he walked upstairs.
He opened his oven and he pushed his pulley inside of it. He set the timer and left it there. The body parts need to be rebaked so that it tastes more crunchy later.
The first timer goes out and Yoseob takes the internal organs out. He looks at it, pleased with how it is and he leaves it to be cooled down. Next he took the limbs and chopped them into smaller pieces, he removes the bones in the hands and places them into a container same goes for the legs. Leave it to Hyunseung what he wants to cook with it later.
Lastly the male took out the minced meat and mixed it with the ingredients. He stirred, he grinded, he made the patter, he shaped up the pastery, he added ingredients to it, he made the meat so fine you can barely taste the chunckiness and blended them all together. He then pours them into metal containers so that the meat loaf comes out as a pretty shape. Once they were in the oven, Yoseob takes the internal organs and deep freezes it. It can be kept later for side dishes or desserts.
Yoseob cleaned up the place as he waited for his meat loaf. They were smelling good and once the first badge was done, Yoseob pushed in the second badge.
Yoseob smiled when he saw the last box on his pulley. He took it and placed it outside for later. Dongwoon would gladly dispose it for him. Before reentering his kitchen, Yoseob looks towards the head whose eyes are still half opened.
"I'm sorry hyung. But your meat looked so delicious that I just had to do it."
"Junhyung! Your son is back!" Dujun yelled.
Junhyung smiled to Hyunseung and the elder kissed him.
"You teaching Ilhoonie your skills?"
"Yeap. He is our successor after all."
"Aww." Hyunseung kissed him and the kiss got deeper and deeper. Yoseob cleared his throat.
"Get out of the kitchen. I'll do the dishes." Junhyung's hands gripped on Hyunseung's tights as Hyunseung wrapped his limbs around Junhyung. The younger of the couple lifted Hyunseung and he walked to the living room with Hyunseung- literally- in his arms.
"Hi appa! Oh, hi umma!" Ilhoon beamed,"Guess who I met today at the store!"
"Who?" Junhyung said as he plopped him and Hyunseung on the sofa.
"Don't tell me! Hyunsik?" Hyunseung said. Ilhoon beamed at his umma and nodded.
"Yes! Hyunsik was just as handsome as they discribed him to be! Can you believe it?"
"Did you get his number then?" Hyunseung asked, he was clearly excited with his son's love life.
"Yes, and we agreed to lunch this Saturday!" Junhyung smiled at his son.
"Did you get the stuff I told you to?" Ilhoon rolled his eyes.
"Of course Appa!"
The boy squated down and rolled his luggage bag to the front. He laid it on the floor and un-zipped it. Hyunseung got off Junhyung and sat at the sides. The bag was opened and inside was a riffle, boxes load of different gun ammo-s, a hand gun and some other guns that Hyunseung doesn't know the names of.
"Personally appa. I like this one." Ilhoon said, he took out a pocket fold knife from the sides and clicked it. Out came the knife and he showed them the side,"Click this once you stab someone and boom, it sprays out liquid nitrogen."
"It cools the blood around it at super temperature and momentarily stops the bleeding making the attacker able to run lose." Junhyung absent minded replied.
"Yes, exactly." Ilhoon smiled as he folded the knife back and placed them all inside,"Like what you see appa?"
"Absolutely. I trained you well, son." Junhyung's eyes roamed around the luggage bag and back to Ilhoon. The boy was staring at him with a wide grin on his face,"Don't tell me you want to try them out already!"
Ilhoon made some noises and Hyunseung laughed.
"Junnie, Hoonie is curious and he wants to play with new toys now. He's gettimg professional in this field."
"It's getting out of hand, Seu. He knows too many weapons already! We tried out five new weapons this morning and he already knows how it all works and why it's like that."
"Junhyung, his appa is a post mortem weapon investigator and part time serial killer. So obviously he would turn out like this." Hyunseung defended his baby.
"That's true. But maybe it's cause his umma is the one who keeps spoiling him! You cook too much bloody food for him, babe."
"I do not." Ilhoon laughed at them and they turned to him.
"Appa, umma doesn't cook too much of food with blood in them. And besides, I already know how Umma fixes his cars and all effects of his equidment too."
"Have you been snooping around my garage, Yong Ilhoon?" Hyunseung asked, danger in his tone.
"Ani!" Ilhoon held his hands in the air,"No, nope, andwe, no way umma. Appa was the one who explained them. I haven't tried it out."
"Well, you better. You know what happens to those who enter my garage don't you?"
Dujun turned the lights on in Hyunseung's garage. The younger male told him to have fun with the person in his garage and he broke a smile on his face. It's not everyday he gets to play.
He walked, lifting and stepping hard to alert the intruder of his presence.
The girl shivered as she heard the footsteps. She shook as she prayed that the male didn't see her. She hid between the equidments room and the car. She sat there and bit her lips. She shouldn't had fucking come to check the place out, she shouldn't had accepted the challenge to look it out and she shouldn't had fought for her pride. She bit on her tongue hard and tried to sit still as the footsteps walked everywhere but near the car.
It was fucking scary to be hiding behind a car of what was rumoured to be a psychotic home.
She closed her eyes, knees in her chest and she waited for the male to go away.
The lights went off and the footsteps disappeared. She waited for awhile and she slowly cracked her eyes opened. She looked to the left and to the right, then she turned to peak downwards under the car. She squated and peaked behind the car and saw that the door had been shut half ways and she huffed in relief. She slid down the car and turned to the right and she screamed.
Dujun was squating there looking at her, a metal pipe in his hand.
"Tresspassers with be punished." Dujun whispered to the shaking girl.
"I know and I'm really sorry! It was a dare and they promised they'll watch if the cost was clear!" she started sobbing.
"Ok, she!"
"So it's bully?"
"Yes. I mean, she made fun of me and she called me names and challenged me to come here! I'm sorry!" she cried.
"I'll give a chance little girl." Dujun finally said,"As much as I want to have fun, I can't hurt someone who is already in pain now can I?" she whimpered.
"What do you want?"
"Get that girl here." she wide eyed.
"Get the bully here and it'll get more fun."
She took off and called for the other girl. She expressed that it was totally okay for the girl to come and she did. The other girl gulped as she shivered into the girls hold. The first girl, a brunette smirked towards her friends as she took the black haired girl with her.
"It's okay Eunji. He just wants to talk."
Dujun isn't stupid though.
But clearly this brunette is.
He hid in the equidment room as he picked his weapon. He still picked the metal pipe in the end anyways.
"Erm, Sir?" the girl said.
Dujun walked and dragged his metal pipe.
"What's your name?" the brunette elbowed the girl.
"I see. What's your name?"
Dujun dragged his pipe as we walked the long route towards them.
"Jessica. How old are you, Jessica?"
"17 this year."
"Do you have a loved one?"
"Like a boyfriend?"
"If you say so." Dujun replied.
"I have my mum and my grandparents."
"Hmm," Dujun was approaching them and he saw Eunji was shaking while Jessica stood hands crossed. He smiled as he closed the distance between them.
"So who's the bully?" Dujun whispered behind them. Eunji was startled, eyes wide open as she stared at Dujun but Jessica screamed.
"S-She is," Jessica mumbled,"She forced me here!" Eunji wide eyed at that.
"Did you?" Dujun asked calmly. She looked into his eyes and she saw what she knew she saw. He had eyes of a killer, a glint of red in the lower region of the pupil.
"No." he looked straight into her eyes and looked back then he smiled.
"Did you lie to me, Jessica?"
"N-No. I told you the truth! She's, she's lying!" Dujun raised his metal pipe and moved it in a circular motion.
"I'll ask you again, Jessica," This time he swung his pipe faster,"Did you lie to me?"
She gulped.
"I'm s-sorry." she whispered. Before she could say another word, Dujun slammed the metal pipe towards her stomach causing her to fly backwards. She flew to the wall and she coughed blood out. Eunji whinced at that but said nothing.
"I hate liars." Dujun stated,"Now you're going to pay for it."
He walked towards her, dragging the metal pipe to emphasis about the metal pipe in his hand.
"Do you like her Eunji?" he asked.
"No." she shivered a little but she knew well that if she showed fear, he would probably kill her too.
"She has a gang doesn't she?" Dujun used the pipe to move her hair out of her face.
"Are they outside?"
"Yes, by the fence. She, we climbed in."
Dujun approached the girl, bend down.
"Good." he gripped her wrist and started dragging her. She started screaming for help but her screams was deafen by Dujun's ears,"You seem calm in this situation." Dujun said to Eunji who was walking behind.
"My dad killed my siblings." she then looked downwards to the floor. Both ignoring the screaming girl whose now bruised arm was painting the garage floor red with her blood.
"Is he arrested?"
"Yes. I called the cops."
"Does your mum know?"
"She almost died cause of him."
"Abusive father?"
"Yes." Dujun nodded as he flung Jessica's body towards a wall. He glanced to the back and noted the angles, making sure her gang could see what he did.
"Step aside, Eunji. Things are going to get pretty around here." Eunji listened and stepped to the side. She bit her lips as she looked towards Jessica. Dujun raised his metal pipe and pointed towards a bush. He smiled as he swung it to her stomach,"You watching this kids?"
He flung the rode, the head of the rod towards her making splurt out blood. He made her stand up and he threw the metal rod towards her, it went through her skin, straight between her breast and into the wall. She died instantly at that.
But was Dujun done? Of course not. The fun just began!
He took another rod from the side, smiling at the terrified faces of the now dead and hanging on the wall girl's friends. He took the rod and played baseball with her head, smashing it beyond oblivion, reshaping the once pretty face into something which bones have been broken.
Eunji gulped and shut her eyes. She turned and squated, back facing Dujun. Dujun then took a few metal pipes and stabbed them to her limbs, making her spread out wide on the wall, permenantly making her part of the garage's decoration. The girl was bleeding and blood was scattered everywhere around the place. He repeated the process till his was satisfied.
By the end of it, she was spread out like a starfish, blood splattered around her in a way of art, metal rods stuck out of her like she was nailed with them, they were at her palms, her shoulders, between her breast, below the belly button, lastly her tights. The worst part was that her face was smashed facing downwards.
Dujun took a look at his master piece and took a small metal rod, long enough to pierce through the head and into the wall. He held her smashed head and stabbed it right between her eyes. It was beautiful, the body decorated on the wall.
He frowned when he forgot something and went to retrieve it. Eunji was already shaking by now, traumatized with what she saw on the wall. Dujun returned with a brush amd dipped it on the pool of blood underneath the girl. He painted words on the wall with the blood and he was sure no one else with try to tresspass Hyunseung's garage, ever again.
He smiled as he stepped backwards.
There the dead girl stood. Under the words NO TRESSPASSING.
He turned to the girls in the bushes and smiled.
"I let you decide Eunji. You can walk away with this trauma, risk suicide and depression or you can end your life by jumping into that container over there filled with acid."
Dujun waited as Eunji shook, deciding her future.
"C-Can I go?"
"Sure. I have one more option though." he was replied with her teeth chattering with fear,"You can leave or you can join us."
"J-Join us?" Dujun smiled as he approached her, she shut her eyes but heard his footsteps stopped exactly one meter away from her. She heard him put a piece of paper on the floor and he backed away.
It was a paper with a phone number.
"I think I'll leave." she said after some time.
"Okay. You can show yourself out. And to the girls over there." he raised his voice loud enough for them to hear,"If police appear in front of my front door tomorrow, I'll hunt you down. One by one and rip your stomachs out like Jessica over here."
He nodded at them, he nodded at Eunji and he walked away.
"Of course I know umma! I'm not that dumb to not ask permission from you before I enter your garage umma. Besides that only happened yesterday so I obviously am constantly reminded to ask." Hyunseung smiled.
"That's my boy." the older male ruffled Ilhoon's hair and stood up,"I need to shower. My body smells of blood."
"Seunghyun's blood baby?" Junhyung asked.
"Yeah. See you Ilhoon!" Hyunseung walked away as Junhyung and Ilhoon go back to their toys.
Police appeared in front of their home the next day and Dujun was momentarily arrested.
Dujun turned to them and smiled at Gikwang.
"See you later Doo!" Junhyung said.
"Be back in time for dinner! We're having Seobbie's meatloaf today!" Dongwoon continued.
They waved as he was driven away.
The following day, a bunch of poppy flowers appears in front of Tiffany's -Jessica's friend- apartment.
Poppy flowers mean eternal death.
A/N: okayyy.. so it wasn't that bad of an image i had in mind... i swear there was a lot more blood and body parts flying in my mind~ XDD anyways I'm working on part 2 so it will be up when it's done and Gikwang, Dongwoon and Junhyung's murder scenes will be up~ Also, I actually have another scene I would like to do involving Ilhoon and guns and I'm not sure about doing that so DO COMMENT IF YOU WANT ME TO WRITE THAT ONE OUT TOO CAUSE THE SCENE WILL PROBABLY HAVE BRAINS FLYING EVERYWHERE! lol...
Part 2: