Icon Batch #10 + Happy Birthday JUN! ♥

Aug 29, 2009 14:25

Haha, so first off, I would like to say,

Happy birthday to Jun! ♥
Alright, as I think about it, without Jun, I probably would not have ever gotten to know about Arashi in the first place. Haha indeed, I'm one of the Jun-baited fangirls. It's hilarious how that term is so commonly used in the fandom XD. :D And I always thought that Jun was probably one of the most caring in the group - contrary to his image, which I find very awesome. (y) People who care for others extremely well can easily get into my heart. 8) (or something like that) What can I say? I love gaps in personalities. Therefore, Jun is absolute love. It's great to know that he cares so much about the other members, his friends, and us. Always persevering up until now and giving everything he's got, i should try learning from that Jun completely has my respect. .. and love with hints of flailing. :3!

NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT.. all of Arashi probably has slight gaps in personalities.

Haha so really, I just want to wish Jun an incredibly amazing 26th birthday.
*throws confetti*

Alright so! Because I have no creativity whatsoever again, 26 icons for Jun's 26th birthday! :D <3

Resources are all here! Thank you for all the pictures and textures! :D <3

Icon Total Count: 26
[26] Matsumoto Jun










Hope you enjoy! :D
Please remember to credit akamepiforever if you use any!
Icons are not bases.
Comments are always loved. :3

Have a nice day! and a last HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JUN! ^0^ ♥

♪birthday wishes, ♪icons, flailing, matsumoto jun

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