Title: Favor Pairing/Characters: Ryo/Uchi Rating: R Warnings: sexual content Notes: Written for kitsune_hikaru for the 2012 K8-exchange. Thank you to my beta for the advice and help <3! Summary Ryo and Uchi try out each other`s hobbies~!
read this fic at k8_exchange, but came here to leave the comment, hope you don't mind (^-^) don't know where to start, cos' I love everything about it! the idea with hobbies, perfect sense of humour, the overwhelming hotness and little details like Uchi's Dior sunglasses XD the R-part is seriously sexy (*-*) god, I love your RyoUchi! their dynamics, their dialogues, their everything <3 thank you very much for still writing them m(_)m
Comments 1
don't know where to start, cos' I love everything about it! the idea with hobbies, perfect sense of humour, the overwhelming hotness and little details like Uchi's Dior sunglasses XD
the R-part is seriously sexy (*-*)
god, I love your RyoUchi! their dynamics, their dialogues, their everything <3
thank you very much for still writing them m(_)m
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