AI 7: Top 11 Recap [result spoilers]

Mar 20, 2008 13:18

I missed out on last week's. I downloaded the ep but I really couldn't be bothered to watch the whole thing. But I'm back now! :D

(The order may be random because it's been a day and my memory ain't that good.)

Amanda: No comments, because I woke up just when she ended her performance. She sure seems arrogant this week though.

Kristy Lee Cook: Definitely way better than last week. There still is something weird about the melody (I can't seem to find one when she's singing) though. And yeah, like Randy said, that last note was good, it would be good if the whole song is more like it.

Baby David: Aww, my baby's back! *smooshes* He still seemed a bit nervous, but at least he didn't forget the lyrics and sang well, even though I don't think it is any close to "Imagine" and "Another Day in Paradise". He needs to change up his style a bit, maybe go acoustic a little, just like in those pre-idol songs. Gotta show people some variety. But nothing he does will make me NOT like him lol. I cannot wait to hear the studio recording.

Papa Michael: He has a fine ass. Song-wise... I like the starting verse, then it just sounded like he mish-mashed it with completely random verses. The melody just didn't gel together well.

David Cook: Poor dude really is balding. :( I adore him though. There's something very down to earth and hardworking about him. And I think he really respects Simon, or at least thinks of his comments as important. That makes me happy. As for the song, not as good as his past performances, but like Randy said (I am agreeing with him a lot tonight), good, solid and steady.

Jason Castro: Awkward. The song is cute with the French lyrics, Jason was adorable in that outfit, but the performance ain't good at all. Bb needs his guitar. :/

Brooke White: Awkwardx2. I find it weird that she knows it is gonna be awkward, but she still chose to sing the song. Is the list really that pathetic?

Carly: IMPRESSED. I don't like her as a person, but wow, her performances are simply amazing. She blew me away last week (ok, bad pun), and I thought she did really good today too. Her performance is one of the few that I can really remember. She deserved to stay for quite a while.

Syesha: Girl did me so proud. :) It's no wonder she is my favourite female contestant. I wanted Baby David to sing "Yesterday", but Syesha was awesome with it, so I forgive. :D The middle of the song wasn't too good, but I think she started really well and it pulled me in. She also looked gorgeous in that green dress! Eeeee! I am so happy for her.

Chikezie: Taylor~~~~~! That whole performance reminded me of Taylor, which is good in my books. XD Love the country tinge to the song, it's so insane. Chikezie in the house yo!

Ramiele: Considering that I completely forgot about her existence (I had a hard time thinking who is the last contestant after Chikezie's song ended), I think that's how I feel about her performances in general. She's never been amazing to me, and I think she's not improving fast enough. Sorry girl.

Rymon: ILU BOTH. *squishes* Keep on with the blatant flirting. Duke it out on stage!

My Top 3:
1) Carly
2) Syesha
3) Chikezie

I haven't watch it, but just thought that I should comment on how wrong I have been for the predictions lately. I didn't think David Hernandez would go (I thought KLC) last week, and I definitely think Amanda was robbed this week. I predicted KLC and Ramiele. :/ Amanda's performance standard fluctuates, but I think she put up a few good performances (like that one where she kept looking at the ground) to warrant a longer stay. Not to mention she is so unique. Are country fans that powerful? No wait, just look at Rascal Flatts (not that I am unhappy with how popular they are). KLC though, as approachable as she is, she needs to go for her sucky performances.

ETA: After watching...
*Davidddddd. :D
*Don't let D-Cook sing with Jason please. Their voices just don't match. Or maybe, the medley was just bad in general.
*Gosh, RYMON.
*Kellie Pickler wow. O__O That was actually really good. Nice outfit too. And how lucky is she to perform with RF? D:
*How can they let like two contestants stay backstage while Kellie sang? Isn't that completely odd?
*Why is Carly SO emotional?

rant, american idol 7

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