One test done. I have to go to the Library and get some research for my paper...hopefully see the cute black man. Then I have another test to do...but first i have to read 60 pgs from the book AH!!!!
10 page Family History-done Final for group work (email letter to instructor)-done Prison essay...not done group work observation paper...not done -didn't even observe a group! Final for Case Management...scared to see
I'm finally 21. today is my BIRTHDAY lalalala is it bad that i don't feel happy bout it? is it bad that i'm gonna be alone most of the day? is it bad i'm a make my own b-day cake?
everything will be better tonight when i go to the club and get FUCKED up. until then... bla
omg i got sooooooooo much to do today i hafta work.... then go get my mom a b-day presesnt. today's her b-day! and get all kindsa other shit and AHHHHHHHHHHH then she's havin a baby shower tonight 4 her friend oh god oh god