Title: I’ve Got You Pairing: SeLu, brief ChanBaek Genre: Fluff, Romance Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 4.5k~ Summary: Luhan is afraid, but Sehun’s got him. Author’s Notes: Happy Valentines’ Day~ Basically mindless fluff lol
[Click to read] “So Luhan, has Sehun made any plans for you two on Valentines’ Day?” asks Baekhyun, casually making conversation as he sets the table for
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This is sweet & lovely… :'3 how Luhan is determined to appreciate Sehun's parents gift despite his phobia of heights… & of course how Sehun attempts to soothe Luhan's fear by convincing Luhan that he'll always be there, together all the way through… This piece really warms my heart, especiall after those HunHan angst I've gone through before… *sobs into my handkerchief dramatically* I love this~ thank you for writing~ ♥♥♥
Comments 6
This piece really warms my heart, especiall after those HunHan angst I've gone through before… *sobs into my handkerchief dramatically* I love this~ thank you for writing~ ♥♥♥
totally adorable
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