Jan 16, 2009 09:49
First post in over a month, and I talk about the weather.
It's cold enough that diesel fuel gels up.
It's cold enough that propane won't evaporate in a torch.
Well, I'll have to call and see if anyone has a car that runs, and that I can borrow to run some errands o.o
More later
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Comments 8
In the T-34 tank, for the V-12 diesel engine, the Russians included a wood stove, not so much to keep the cabin warm, but to keep the engine warm, and ready.
But now I live in tropical Boston, where last night it was +7 and I was doing my night drops in a hoodie and jeans.
I thought that I had thinned things out enough, but no such luck.
Block heater was on all night.
Kept the battery inside to keep all 1000 CAs there.
It turned over...in pain.
And ran, idling, slower, and slower, as I gave it more throttle, until the fuel was too thick.
Ah well, it's warming up to a balmy 22 tomorrow
Break out the sunscreen, grill, and the beach towels, summer's back =D
Even my poor Honda hated it. The power steering fluid would congeal and if there was any moisture inside your tires...it would freeze and the car would thump along for a few minutes. It also made noises I have not heard before or since.
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