I feel kinda overwhelmed with how fast the days have been going recently. x_x; I've been spending an insane amount of time playing Mabinogi. I'd been on a random hiatus from it for quite a while, and it just feels so good to play again. I finally got Ice Spear too, and I would keep training it if I had enough AP...
Also, I think I'm addicted to using the new fusion magic. Icebolt+Firebolt=Awesome:
It does an insane ammount of damage with rank 1 Icebolt too. If After I master Ice Spear, I'll probably work on fire-type magic.
In other news, I'm currently trying to not have a heart attack from sheer glee at a scene that
ninjangel said is in the DNAngel TV Animation books. And here I never thought I'd fangirl over anything that had to do with the anime version again. It's amazing how much a few tiny differences can make.
Also, I suddenly very deeply want a Daisuke to play with. I've never done an actual RP in my life (Except for a little bit one time when Mabinogi!Hiwatari-kun met a Daisuke), but I want to so badly. I've had an unused Satoshi RP account for a while, but I don't even know where to start. There are just so many questions going through my head. Where to play? With how picky I am about canon, what if I can't find the Daisuke I'm looking for, if I even find one at all? What if I can't do a good job with Satoshi? What if I do find a Daisuke and end up just creeping him out or something?
If you'll excuse me, I'm off to play Mabinogi some more. Maybe that will make my brain function more clearly.
(edited because apparently I can't even use HTML correctly right now)