Title: Homeland
Rating: PG
Pairing: Roy/Ed
Summary: Roy and Ed both go home. Dark themes.
Roy Mustang found his mind wandering as he stared out the window, listening to the soft sounds of the train chugging along the track. There were many things he'd rather do than go home like this.
Many people could guess it, but no one implicitly discussed it, the fact he was of Xingian descent. Now he was dismayed to learn of the skirmishes along the boarder, something he wished would be happening anywhere but here.
A snore caught his attention and he changed his gaze from outside to the blonde, obnoxious log sleeping on the seat across from him and he smiled a little, but it faded. This was not what he wanted Edward to think of his homeland.
It was not a pleasant trip, this was war.
Edward Elric had his eyes half closed as he let the rocking motions of the train lull him into a drowsy, half-asleep state. He lay still, stretched out across Roy Mustang's lap and pretended to sleep. He didn't want to talk and he certainly didn't want to sleep. The train was headed back west, headed for Risembool. There were many things he'd rather do than go home like this.
His breathing was shallow and his flesh hand wouldn't stop shaking, even when Roy grasped it gently. This was not a memory Edward wanted Roy to have of Risembool, a peaceful place covered in pleasant green and cloudy, sunny skies, not his lover's blood cascading to the dirt as he was transported from the train station to the house in the arms of his brother.
The splashing of blood, the cries of pain and despair and the sense of loss were not things he wanted Roy to think of, when he pictured his homeland.
But Edward could not force himself to worry about this for now as his eyes slid to a close, bringing peace to the young man as he lost himself on that train ride, close to Roy.