Title: PSC Series: The Haunted Celebrity
Chapter: 06
Author: アキ
Fandom: the GazettE, SCREW, Alice Nine, more to come
Disclaimer: I don't own the guys. Just the story.
Pairings: AoixRuki, ByouxRui, probably more to come
Genre: AU, horror, supernatural
Rating: PG, for now
Warning: None
Beta: None
Summary:"PSC, which stands for Paranormal Studies
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Comments 12
oh man, it must have bit Ruki's ass to have to admit they might need reita to help. but I still want to know how Aoi and ruki get together or if it's just going to continue to be an unrequited crush on ruki's part. I certainly hope not. I hope Ruki finds the culprit and kicks it's ass, all righteous half-pint indignant possessiveness LOL Angry little chibi's are srs bznss
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