Tooooday was okayish lol....
......Unless you count the freezer with all the ice cream breaking down.
I'm talking like 150 small pints of ice cream,1/2 gallons and then all the Popsicles melting into a pool all over. I swear it was a crime agianst humanity. All that icecream, wasted. Diet or no, I wanted it all. you know until it was all pooling on the floor at my feet.
I got a little bit of extra time on the 'ol paycheck cleaning it up but it was so gross. I ended up getting one of the hot mechanics from next door to help me carry it all out to the dumpster. I attempted to do it by myself but then was rewarded with dumping icecream all over my pants and hands. I wanted to scream. I HATE HATE HATE being sticky.
Aside from that I failed hardcore at the diet thing today. I totally gorged myself on egg sandwiches, crackers, and I had some icecream(before it melted) oh god. and a donut or two.
but but, when my friends and I went out for lunch I only got a salad. and it was so good. I think I like shredded lettuce better than the chunks. So my goal today is to NOT eat anything else horrible for the rest of the week. This is going to be hard considering it's Thanksgiving but, if I try REALLY REALLY hard, I may accomplish this. I'll moderate all that delicious turkey and gravy and oh god. this is going to be bad. BUT I CAN DO IT!
I need to fix the handlebars on my bike D: they have twisted around so now the brakes are above my hands. It's kinda freaky. I also need to put the new seat on the thing. the old one totally digs into my ass and it's not comfy...not at all. Warm riding clothes are also necessary. bye bye money D8 *waves*
Money-wise I'm doing okayish.(haha RIGHT! *facepalm*)I really need to stop impulse buying. It's like a disease. god. Maybe I should become a recluse and not go anywhere other than work. maybe then I'll be okay. I may also need to cut my debit card in half. gah I just don't know! Hopefully I won't need to put out more money to daycare stupid overdue bill that wasn't mine to pay D:<(it would have been nice if you had told me you stopped paying it in like, June assface) Does anyone have any suggestions on the money saving front?
Blah. long entry is looooong.
Also I need to do laundry! -scoots-