Disneyland at Christmas is the most magical and amazing time ever. i had a great time and will never forget it. i recorded over 2 hours of footage and will make a 10-20 minute video on it. can't wait. also it was nice seeing my dad and grandma. dad salsa'ed and danced to rock the casbah. it was great. everything was great.
and some bad news...
so we get to the baggage claim and i find out my mom is getting rid of sofi, my dog. i can't believe it. i don't understand why. i'm just severly pissed off right now at her and this whole family. everything is giong great until she decides to be a bitch again. and andy is a little dick as well. that little fuck. i wish i owned a big bat so i can crack both of their skulls. and then when amber and i are leaving to go shopping, she comes out demanding a thank-you from us, when the whole fucking trip i told her how grateful i was and that she was so awesome for doing this. but she just wants to be a nasty bitch again and blames us for the dispute. fuck that and fuck her.