Title: My Former Lovers and Her Daughter ~Chapter 9~
Author: Ha-chan and her recent craziness (
akinoyama )
Rating: PG-15
Genre: Family Life, Romance, bit angst later…
Warnings: Unbetaed, AU, Hikaru and Yamada’re girl, Terrible English
Pairing: Yabu x Hikaru, Yabu x OC, Yabu x Yamada, Yamada x Yuuto, Yabu x Yuuto, Keito x Yuuto
Disclaimer: The plot
Synopsis: Yabu
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Comments 10
How about your own fic??? Haven't seen its continuation.... ^^
Yeah.... It took 2 weeks nee??? I'm truly sorry... I found a hard time to revise this....
Thank you for keeping reading this....
it's good okaa-san, I don't want him either, lol kidding, nande okaa-san???o.O why you can't marry otou-san???o.O
haha, yes XDDD but as fast as it comes, it already goes <3 oh, c'mon there's no way I could really hate otou-chan right??? he's my ni-ban after all ♥
Ha-chan...*pout* mou, you just could put all the blame to the intruder but don't bring my Dai-chan into this *throw Inoo away to you and protect Dai-chan xPPP*
lol, yes an epic plan...no such luck though, okaa-chan still decided not to step in into his room LOL XDDD poor otou-chan
lol, I'm just kidding yo, kidding XDDD of course I want my otout-chan *hugs him tightly* but if you asked whether I want Yuto as my otou-chan maybe I will consider 8D
eh??ME??? what did I do???>doita yo b^^d ( ... )
But... your darling Dai-chan... is at fault as well... when the intruder said "Dai-chan can, I come to your room and play?" Your darling Dai-chan coldly replied "No, don't come." becuase he was playing with okaa-san... hahahas.... therefore, otou-san become so upset and despearte knowing he was the only one being neglected by okaa-san...
Unfortunately, your darling twin has passed away here... coz he loved Yama-chan too much...
Hahahahaha.... isn't it so easy to figure out??? Regarding everything happened....
P.S. Will be waiting...
P.P.S. You want Germany will win this year nee??? But no Asia's representatives now.... D: D: D:
P.P.S. Yeah... about the albim one.... hehehehehehehe.... I actually has finished the draft which mostly only dialogues.... just need to be revised.... I depicted your thoughts as Yabu's.... XDDDDDDDDDDDD Just pray I can finish it soon....
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