Title : Yabu & Hikaru
Author :
akinoyama (Ha-chan and her recent frustration)
Rating : PG-13
Genre : Fluff, angst, bit pieces of humour
Disclaimer : The story
Summary : The effect of Yabu-Inoo duet on Spring Concert.
Pairings : YabuHika, YamaJimaMoto, slight InooBu, HikaTo and
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Comments 10
Should I post 'my former lovers and her daughter' too? ^^
I love this, so so so so muchhhhhhhhhh<3
the YamaJimaTaro brother ship here is TOTAL WIN XDDD
you totally make me love Yama-chan again, Ha-chan. sankyu
& you know, when I've reached it to the end, I went like EH??? Why did Ha-chan ended it up hanging like this??? but then again I scroll up the page...and finally realized it! This is a multi chap xPPP
once again, thanks for dedicating this fic for me, Ha-chan *hugs*
I like this one much better XDDD the previous is great too, it's just I'm being too sensitive if it comes to Album again xPPP
will be waiting for the next nee^^V
Since I know you love those three beside YabuHika... so I put them and pictured their brothership. You ever asked me to write about our happy family after all... So... let's say this is the result...
Eh??? Hontou??? You love Yama-chan again??? Hahaha... But I think Yama-Chii will KILL me because of this... *hide*
Hahaha... did you forget that I've told u your birthday fic will be a chaptered one?
You're welcome... ^^ *hugs you too*
It's okay yo... I can understand...
The next will be so late... I think it's after Idl Fitri... coz near the end it's a little bit NC-17... so I dun want to be blame... hehehehehe
I-I-I request a sequel?
I mean, I wanna know what happens after that! D:
Thanks for writing! xD
Dear... This story has three parts yo!
Just read the other two....
I've made the links at the beginning
I totally missed the other two. I skipped straight to the story.. =x
/goes read the other 2 parts now xD
I think I should have put the links at the end of the story....
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