Title : Yabu & Hikaru
Author : Ha-chan and her recent frustration
Rating : PG-13
Genre : Fluff, angst, bit pieces of humour
Disclaimer : The story
Summary : The effect of Yabu-Inoo duet on Spring Concert.
Pairings : YabuHika, YamaJimaMoto, slight InooBu, HikaTo and
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Comments 10
ahh...I want to hear Yabu's version of Romeo & Juliet >< that must be sweet~♥
but Hikka dear, you're surely easy to give in to your Yabu-kun ne*sigh*
haha YamaJimaTaro should not disturb the parent scene xPPP bad boys! your Otou-chan have been waiting for this you know xPP LOL
family hug, yay~♥ *join in*
they slept together, my happy family, how cute ><
thanks for this Ha-chan, and the wish^^ yeah, I hope I could meet Hikaru nee~♥
will be waiting more from you~ mine & Dai-chan's story xDDD
I got the inspiration when I went browsing months ago...
Let's ask Yabu to do that for YY JUMPing LIve Stage... LOL
Hika: Idk how to fight or argue with him...
Yamada: We had no intention at all..
Ryuutarou: We're worrying Hika-Mama back then...
Yuuto: What if they had a fight back then??? We should be there to make them calm down...
Yabu (silently): Hara-chan was right... you kids... I've been waiting for my time with Hika... but the three of you ruined it...
Family hug.... yay!!!!
You're welcome...
Love you too...
Thanks for reading and commenting...
since today I love Romeo and Juliet >3<
I wonder if I can public the link in my blog of YabuHika fics (It's a blog in spanish but I'm going to create a section with fics in english)
congratulations for creating a very nice fic *u* ♥
It's been a month after I posted writing this story, thus, I didn't expect someone would read it anymore...
But you did.... Thank you very much...
Eh you love Romeo and Juliet now??? So you didn't like at first??? *actually neither did I*
About the public link... it's up to you arumi-chan ^__^ (I'm looking forward to read your English YabuHika fics since I don't understand Spanish...)
Thank you so much for reading and commenting....
you can see the entry here:
Hahahaha yeah at first I don´t like much Romeo and Juliet x3 don't ask me why, I really don't know the reason x3
Neeh if I traduce one day one of my YabuHika fics I warn you ;D
~ ♥
I'll be waiting then... arumi-chan...
(The comment has been removed)
Thank you for reading... ^^
I love you so much for writing this story! xDDD
/huggles you too....
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