This work of art it LONG-overdue for an upgrade, although Criterion did the best with what it had back during spine #2 time. I recently saw the film with new subtitles at a theater, and I think they're MUCH improved!
I'll have to figure out what to do with my copy, too. And my VHS version. But if anyone asks what my favorite movie of all time is, I always know what to tell them. Sooner or later, the Missus and I will sit down to watch it... and there may be issues if she doesn't care for it. Maybe when I get the new copy, we'll have the ritual.
I first viewed Seven Samurai just after breaking up with my ex-, and I'm tellin' ya, if I had discovered this film while we were going out, she would've been IN for it. I was watching it once a week until I'd seen it 12 times (and that's still less than half the total times I've seen it.)
Well, the original aspect ratio is 1.37:1, so it should be fullscreen. I don't think Kurosawa started filming in widescreen until The Hidden Fortress, 4 years after Seven Samurai.
Comments 9
Can't wait!
( ... )
Of course its probably 70 bucks...
I first saw Seven Samurai when I was about 5. I saw it once again in the 9th grade. Since then, I have viewed it 54 times. Still my favorite.
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