Now I know why I've been missing Access bars when I know I didn't eat them...Martin's been eating them! stupid effing martin. and he goes and eats the last one! and when I say "Those were mine!" He goes "Want to go in the fridge and see what food is "mine" you should've put your name on it." let's see the last time I did that, he bitched and moaned about how "if you're going to say food is yours, I'm going to say all the food is mine and you can't have any" Rgh! He has absolutely zero respect for me and he wants me to do nothing but kiss his bloody feet because he's the "father figure" well screw him. He's a giant kid and he can kiss any father's day treatment good bye. Access bars are expensive compared to his stupid chocolate bars, which are yes in the pantry waiting for him to scarf them down like he does all the other junk food in the house! I *ask* if I can eat certain things I know were bought specifically for him, I ask! but does he ask nooo he just assumes everything in the house is for him and him alone and just takes them without asking. I even had to get Ariana to buy those access bars for me! I was saving the last one and he goes and eats it like a bloody snack ruining the whole effect of them. That pisses me right off! and then he goes "Here's a fucking 20 go buy another box" add another fifteen onto that and sure...too bad I can't because I'm not a member of Melaleuca to do so!
he's been in such a pissy mood since Sunday night. I want nothing to do with him, he's being such a jerk off.