I mean obviously this is not a cracklog. It is a very serious discussion about video game characters.
I don't even know, man.
padraiceen: Does adachi listen to music in his car
padraiceen: If so what
akisazame: it only has a tape deck
akisazame: someone broke the antenna off so all he can get is static
akisazame: i mean seriously who the fuck has cassette tapes these days
akisazame: he didn't even know they still allowed cars with only tape decks to EXIST
padraiceen: Wait
akisazame: what
padraiceen: The prior owner needs to have forgotten an embarrassing mixtape in the car somewhere
padraiceen: A prior owner, rather
akisazame: heh
akisazame: there was one, it was in the car when he first started it up
akisazame: after he bought it
padraiceen: Oh nice
padraiceen: What was on it : it was some j-pop bullshit
padraiceen: From like 1993?
akisazame: some super-happy idol singing
akisazame: not risette, like way older than that
padraiceen: Visual type
akisazame: absolutely
akisazame: hahahaha it was vocaloid
akisazame: no it wasn't vocaloid
akisazame: but anyway
padraiceen: Oh you
akisazame: the tape was just sitting in the deck and he just pushed it in
akisazame: because it was too quiet and he could hear this weird sound from the engine
padraiceen: And bam, X Japan
akisazame: and then this awful squeaky j-pop comes on and he just punches the eject button in disgust
padraiceen: Nice
akisazame: takes the tape out and throws it on the floor and STEPS on it
padraiceen: Poor adachi
akisazame: pffft no not poor adachi
akisazame: it's his fault for not liking morning musume
padraiceen: Neither do you
akisazame: that is entirely beside the point