You know how there are things you'd say to one person that you would never ever in a million years say in front of another? It's really super awkward when the other person overhears you saying them.
A bit of backstory: I was off work all last week for vacation, and while I was gone there was a major management shift at the store where I work. We traded our store manager (who was a huge asshole, good riddance) for another one, and our ACDH got promoted to head CDH and transferred to another store. So when I got back yesterday, there was a new store manager (who seems nice enough) and another CDH who I assume is taking the old ACDH's position.
The guy seemed okay at first, though kind of standoffish and obviously uncomfortable. That's fair, I'm pretty sure it was his first day. When I'd gotten my schedule for this week, I'd figured my 5-9 shifts were for cashier or service desk, but apparently I'm spending two 4 hour shifts co-CDHing with this guy so he can learn the ropes of our store. Alright, sure.
When you work an 8 hour shift, you have to take a mandatory 1 hour lunch break, so around 6 the new guy gives me the keys and goes off to eat or wank off or whatever. I'm running the show like a pro, because I've been doing this for a year now (speaking of which! I did not appreciate it when among the new guy's first words to me were "So, do you know what you're doing as a CDH?" YEAH NO OBVIOUSLY I'M AN INEXPERIENCED IDIOT THANKS PAL). 7 rolls around and the guy comes up to me with this weird look on his face, admits in hushed tones that he spilled something on his pants and has to go home and change. Uh, okay? The head CDH, my immediate boss, is still at the store working on next week's schedule for another hour, so everything should be fine until he gets back from his pants-wetting escapade.
8 rolls around and the guy is still not back. My shift is over in an hour and both my boss and I are getting weirdly uncomfortable. My boss asks the assistant store manager on duty if she can stay a bit longer, but they wouldn't be able to pay her overtime for it so she pretty much has to leave. She asks me if I can stay late. What can I say to her? She's my boss. I say it's okay.
So I go over to the girl working at the service desk, who is also a CDH and who I get along with pretty well, and naturally start complaining about this new guy because complaining is how I roll. I say something along the lines of "if that guy doesn't come back, I'm gonna be pissed."
Of course that was when my boss was walking by. OF COURSE.
She doubles back to ask me about it and I'm complete deer in the headlights. I'm upset because I take a lot of shit from this job in the best interests of making everyone happy and not getting yelled at. I'm upset because I fear change and just having a new person in the position directly above mine, even if he were the nicest guy on the planet, would make me uncomfortable. But I can't manage to voice either of these sentiments to my boss while she's looking at me with this half-curious, half-sympathetic expression. I'm not used to being honest with someone who has authority over me. So I finally manage to say something about how it's annoying because I'd expected to be out at 9, and she immediately cuts in with, "Then leave at 9. They'll just have to manage."
I'm relieved and mortified at the same time. On top of that, I feel this intense loathing for this new guy, whose poor eating or bathroom or whatever else habits have put me in this situation to begin with. First impressions are everything and he made a terrible one; it's gonna be hard for him to get back in my good graces.
To wrap it up, the guy does actually show back up at 8:15, looking all sheepish and apologetic, and I really cannot be assed to care. I go take my break (which is ridiculous, to get your 15 minute break 45 minutes before the end of your shift), then shuffle off to do some returns until 9 (which I think freaked the guy out; tbh I'd gotten used to working autonomously with other CDHs so I didn't even think twice about it).
I have to work with the new guy again tonight. Not looking forward to it. Maybe he'll be less of an insufferable douche.
tl;dr: The worst day of work is always the one right after you come back from vacation.
(And wow, I feel better after typing all that out. I guess that was what LJ was for all along. Thanks, LJ?)