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Card Exchange. Card Shop. SEMI-HIATUS: I will answer to your offer, but won't update my cardpost, because school =/= awesome. :/
[Name] Aki
[Level] 9
[Cards] 637
[Trades] 390
[Contributions] 162
[Santa Points] 0
Partners in crime /o/
Proofs of my geekiness.
See the Protect First Mastery badge~~? Image was coloured by the most awesome ninja ever,
saluchna, and is totally miiine, not touching~~
Order of priority: KANSAI (AKNDADADN AD YEESS› ==> VOLLEY ==> Nfu/Nya/Pervert/Manager/Devil
Not going anywhere anythime soon |D
Won't trade these. And sigh I promise I'll try to find some new decks worth collecting soon DX
ADVISOR HAS THE LOWEST PRIORITY EVER, so it's possible that I won't accept your trade.
NOT collecting, I PROBABLY WON'T TRADE MY CARDS FOR THESE DECKS. Well, unless you are a newbie with a small amount of cards, that is. These are just randomy randoms I got from Randomizer-san and decided to keep. Pretty tradeable.
x 4
x 8
Might trade if you have something I want and I don't have anything you'd like to trade it for.
x 0
x 0
x 1
Make your offer! | If you want something and don't have anything I'd like to have, just say so and I'll put the card in question on hold.
~ Special cards (worth two normal cards):
Not for trade~!
arther12, purple06, senpai07, design04, cherry19, justice01, solar19 and tensai01, ynx01, idiot19, smile15, writer17, princess06, nun05, pokedex69, sketch12, job12 and forget13 for 18 milk chocolates.
ougi12, cheezburgr08, mafia15 & nishiura08 for 4 white chocolates.
extreme20, seisen26, pluto14, report05, summon12, drill08, cat12, light06, whip14, berry20, boots15, crimson05, short10, pokedex59, noble20, heist14, duck12, lancelot13, ashes20, rain07, black09, extreme19, moon13, thorn09, bride13, jailbait07, bang05, magic16, raven12 and puzzle09 for 10 milks.
10 x milk, 4 x w-choco, 17 x m-choco for 2 x whitechoco and 8 x milkchoco.
12.11.07 -
got Honey12, Sketch12, Advisor13, idiot06, Lucky20 and Magician20. And rankb DX
Eye11, Serial06 and Data20 for voting at animelims. |
Oresama08, Split18, Heist04 and Pokedex75 for voting at icontournament. |
Tenipuricon - voted, submitted one icon ,week 16; voted, submitted one icon ,week 17; got Dynames12, Pokedex100, Axeman03 and Drill11 |
Mastered Oresama, got Chaos14, 15 albhed20, traitor14
12.12.07 -
Spirit11 for placing second, KKMitest. |
Flower18 for voting at hc_icontest. |
gay12 and Tactics14 for voting at banner_contest. |
Archer06, voted at xxxholic_still. |
virtue03, voted at kkm_icontest. |
Job12, Crimson07, pokedex42, voting at ouran_lims. |
12.13.07 -
no-cert mastery of dynames, Design and Protect: Notasplanned 02, 04 and 07; Shoulder09, 03, 05; 10th19, time15, Flute20, Design04, Cherry19, fuku07, writer10, phantom10, puzzle05. |
50+ contributions, Emo02 and Noble11. |
12.17.07 -
Alien07, Cocoa19, Pokedex31, SOS16, voting at talesof_battle.
first mastery of Chaos, no cert mastery of Chaos and Oresama, got Sos01, Blood19, Ougi05, Strahl14, Demon13, Hyoutei12 and 16, Extreme20 and Cat19. |
12.18.07 -
Willow18, Magician08, Demon04 - voting at ouranlims. |
Seisen26 and Loyal11 for voting at banner_contest.|
Rekka20, Pluto14, Blood12 and Report05, voting at videogame_lims.|
Japan03, Food01 and Ougi16, voting at videogame_lims. |
Exia16, Tactics09 and Bang04 - icon_tournament, voting. |
Rain20, voting at asianawards. |
Mafia03, witch05, Rekka13, voting at anime_lims. |
voted at talesofawards, got Sakujo 18.|
Prodigy08, voting at kkm_itest. |
12.20.07 -
voted at kouga_stills, got Smile15.
12.22.07 -
got Kakumei17, voting at tenipuricon. |
12.24.07 -
voting at Talesof_battle, got berry20, possess10, whip14, disney19. |
200+ trades, got light06, fanservice20, cat12, drill08, summon12, s-cert. |
chemist18, short10, crimson05, boots15, fiance08, 10th01, gay03, a cert for leveling. |
lunar17, broom10, pokedex59, voted and submitted one icon - talesof_awards. |
Albhed10, voting - sesshy_icontest. |
Hyotei09 and Honey07 - 3 icons, sesshy icontest. |
Donated apple01, protect04, nano19, 12, 03, Dolls20, Revenge20, Lynx01, kakumei06, Brother13, Flute20, Blood19 and 12, Food01, Straight09, traitor14, flower18, phantom10, prodigy08, kaumei17, hostess16, cat19, thorn13, co-host04, Kuso06, Tactics14, 09, fuku07, ougi05, Gay12, Fanservice20.
SS: Hyotei16, 15; Disney09; beast11, 17, japan10, 15 sms09, archer04.
12.25.07 -
Data19 (because randomizer lurves when Sal is in debt), voting at naruto_lyrical.
Gifts from Santa: Hyotei04, 11; wife01 06 13 02 exia01 02 14 Gekidasa16
12.27.07 -
mastered Exia, Hyotei, Wife - got Tensai13, 15, Exia17, 11, 03, 05, 08, wife19, knight17, protect05, pitcher20, sos17, Souen04, Fanservice10, Noble20, Drill10.
12.28.07 -
wife first master, Beast14, Bure01, Mafia19 |
hyotei, exia - first matery, exia - nocert mastery, 10+ mastered, got Albhed03, Justice17, Jailbait05, Sugar12, Heist14, Prince19, Pokedex135, Ice03, Bomb03, Branch11, Lancelot13, Hyotei11, Normal03, Burn16, Blood18, Rain07, Duck12, Pokedex98, Time09, Willow08, Cynic14, Ashes20, A-cert.
Voted - animelims, Time04, Unsent19, Warrior09. |
12.31.07 -
10x Antonio, Tensai02, 05, Oathkeeper, pokeball, Gekidasa12, Egyptian08, Book13, sight02, cherry11. |
01.01.08 -
Demon16, Lancelot16, Black09 and Moon13, voting - Talesof_battle. |
Curse10, voting at la_corda_hush. |
Extreme19, talesof_awards.|
Wife15, Bomb13, April05, Horse07, Time06, Thorn09, Hyotei10, Bang01, Pokedex120 - Ouran_lims (2 x normal voting, 1 x CB). |
Traitor06, voting at xxxholic_still. |
Sleep05, voting at xxxholic_still. |
Willow07, voting at xxxholic_still. |
01.02.08 -
Judgement17 for voting at banner_contest's Week 48 |
Materia06, Lost10, Souen07 for voting at videogame_lims's Week 07 |
Hibari18 or voting at kkm_itest's Week 35 |
01.02.08 -
Beast13, voting, Sesshy_icontest. |
Gekidasa13, Judge15 and Ruffles09 for submitting at sesshy_icontest's Week 83
01.05.08 -
Chaos02, Rose01, Bride13 for submitting 2 icons at faicontest's Week 41. |
Alien10 and April06 for voting with 3+ critiques at faicontest's Week 41. |
Advisor08, for voting at la_corda_hush's Week 24 |
01.07.08 -
Memory18 for voting at talesof_awards's Week 77 |
01.09.08 -
Rose05, Solar19 and Booty12 for voting with full critiques at ouran_lims's Week 07 |
Nobodies08, Heart07 and Sos20 for voting with critiques at videogame_lims's Week 08. |
01.09.08 -
Resist18 for voting at kkm_itest's Week 70 |
cheezburgr08 for voting at la_corda_hush's Week 25. |
Pokedex10, Gay11 and Unwanted08 for voting at the_lbms's Challenge 02. |
Strahl03 for voting at xxxholic_still's Round 70!. |~
01.11.08 -
Persocom04 for voting at hc_icontest's Week 50. |
Jailbait07 and Dragon13 for voting at banner_contest's Week 49. |
Bang05 for voting at kkm_itest's Week 37. |
Magic15 Raven12 for voting with 3+ critiques at faicontest's Week 43. |
Madamada05 for voting without critiques at faicontest's Week 42. |
Exphere01 for voting at talesof_awards's Week 78. |
Broom09 for voting at kouga_stills's Week 78. |
Thief05, Pokedex118 and Bang04 for voting with less than 7 critiques at talesof_battle's Challenge 06. |
Clow17 and Wife02, voting at banner contest. |
Pokedex145 for voting at [info]la_corda_hush's Week 26.|
Tactics12, Gemini01 and Pokedex132 for voting at animelims's Challenge 7. |
Nobodies04, Pokedex48 and Puzzle09 for voting at ouranlims's Week 8. |
mastered/no-cert mastered lucky, co-host10, pokedex69, extreme16, time10, dragon09, gay06.
images for silver, got silver 10 13 14
Nya02, voting at xxxholic_still.
voted (2x) and submitted (1x), tenipuricon. Got sugar19, persocom13, ougi06, west13.
mastered lucky, gekidasa and tensai, got silver01 02 03 05 06 07, materia16, unsent16, senpai07, purple06, mafia15 and arthur12. |
Gay08, Japan19, Shuusaku12 crossover09 or signing up at videogame_lims's round 07
branch18 for winning people's choice at ouran_lims's week 7. |
Pokedex47 for voting at xxxholic_still's week 74. |
Kaiser06 for voting at kkm_itest's week 40. |
thorn06 for voting w/o crits at faicontest's Week 45. |
Snake17, West17 and Half15, silver15 for voting at icon_tournament's round 04 prelims. |
Ougi12, Mafia15, Love08, Silver17 for voting at icon_tournament's round 04 challenge 01. |
Friend20, egyptian11 and silver19 for voting at icon_tournament's round 04 challenge 03. |
Camorra01, Scientist05, Heartless19, silver18 for voting at icon_tournament's round 04 challenge 02. |
Hyotei05 for winning PC, videogamelims. |
Mastered Silver and Madamada, Jailbait12, Memory02, Data08,13, 16, 17, magician13, necro07. |
no cert mastery of gekidasa and tensai, got nishiura08, warrior13, pokedex67, justice01, gay05 and 07. |
Coffee07 and snake01 for submitting at talesof_awards's week 82. |
rekka13 for voting at xxxholic_still's week 75 |
rankb for signing up at ouran_lims's round 8 |
Forget03, Bure07 and love12 for voting with full critiques at ouran_lims's Round 8 Week 1 |
Shuusaku10, Crow12, Split16 for voting w/o crits at faicontest's Week 46 and submitting. |
pervert08 for voting at kkm_i. |
level up, nfu01 arthur01 data06 sleep11 bomb14progress20 sugar04 pokedex44 a-cert. |
unsent02 for voting at talesofawards |
Choco 10 get, got bomb10 sakujo09 candy20 kansai19 and Funshine. |
Manager16 grin02 13th05 ouran voting. |
Voted and submitted one icon at sesshy, Magician16, Sinner20, Lancelot08, gene20 |
Judgment10! voting at kouga. |
voting: kkm_itest hc_icontest' banner_contest xxxholic_still 3 x I_C
Get: jellopy62, 8th20 love17 scientist13 Inferno04 white03 shift09
kansai09 08 05 Deceit18 and Berry12 Dreams04 Ceo19 egyptian05 Love03 Ougi17 eye08
emo19, seed_chorus voting
Persocom10 faicontest voting
submitted x 4, voted at sesshy, Sinner04 Author14 kyrios08 bombay03 oresama17 noa07 unwanted01 beast04 bure01
hosts07, voting at gane_abc. |
Pokedex128, Grin13 Esper19 + volley09 ic_t |
scientist08 voting kkm |
knight03 voting at faicontest |
8th10 for winning people's choice at videogame_lims's round 07 week 02
West09 Nfu09 Knowledge07 for voting w/ crits at ouran_lims's R8 C4.
Dies05 Sky14 Beloved04 for voting w/ crits at the_lbms's R3 C3.
Howl20 Virtue04 Puzzle05 for voting at videogame_lims's round 07 week 03.
Sakujo17 for voting at talesof_awards's week 85
Egyptian04 Siberian06 Volley11 for voting at icon_tournament's round 05 challenge 03.
Snake01 or voting at la_corda_hush's Week ?
King09 for voting at game_abc's week "Y"
Gekidasa15 for voting at kouga_stills's week 84
Hosts06 for voting at hc_icontest's week 58
Exia11 for voting at kouga_stills's week 85
Persocom05 for voting at kkm_itest's week 44
Souen34 and Zero16 and nya 20 for voting at icon_tournament's round 05 challenge 04 |
materia15 for voting at sesshy_icontest's Week 92 |
mastered nfu and volley, japan17 noa16 nfu19 15 job05 egyptian20 nya04 06
Albhed20 for Gekidasa15 with wingdance. |
Gekidasa04 - half of the trade with Reki (Shoulder) |
Fashion05 and 10 for Hyotei20 with Dexter. |
Dynames12 and Cocoa19 for Hyotei01 with Cruxis. |
Idiot04 and 08 for Heist20 and Japan10 with a745. |
Ougi16 for Hyotei02 with Ishtar. |
Sos16 for Exia09 with Kuroi. |
Sos01 and Alien07 for Hyotei08 with Kuroi. |
Hostess18 and Colonel19 for Tensai16 and11 with Orlandogirl.
Demon04 and 13 for Hyotei17 with Kiri. |
Bang04, Willow11 for Hyotei18 with Dex.
Gekidasa15, Hyotei02 and Kyrios10 for Wife20, Tensai03, 09 and 20 with ninja. |
ninja ninja'd Wife04 so... Kyrios05 for wife04 with ninja. |
A cert for Beast17, 11 and Japan15.
Loyal11 for Raven07 with rikit. |
sky19 for data03, card shop. |
Heart15 and Nano12 for Waifu17, card ex |
S-cert for Hyotei and Hyotei.
Willow 8 and 18 for Hyotei10 with Dex. |
heist20 for madamada13 with Sakura.
notasplanned02 for Hyotei06 with sakura. |
Loveless03 for Exia18 with warwolves. |
Raven07 for Exia06 with Berry. |
Shoulder03 and 05 for Wife05, 07 and 15 with Reki.|
time15 for gekidasa15 with kuroi. |
Traded Data19 for Tensai01 with ninja. |
Phobia17 for Gekidasa14 with jryuuseistar. |
gifted Abyssinian15 --> rashiea. |
Drill11 for Justice06 with Cori. |
60 S points for 10 x Antonio and 10 x Reindeer. |
Bomb09 ---> gift for ninja~~ |
Lunar17 for Madamada17 with Mango. |
Possess10 for Data06 with Kiri. |
Perfect12 and Illegal12 for Gekidasa09 and Lucky03 with CO. |
Reverie01 for Tensai07 with first_tears. |
Witch05 for Reindeer with Reki. |
Rekka20 - gift for Reki. |
Strahl14 for Gekidasa11 with first_tears. |
Chemist18 for Lucky10 with Kaorien. |
B-cert for Horse13 and Dual02/ |
Broom10 and Dual02 for Gekidasa20 and Tensai17 with itsplashes. |
Horse13 for Exia10 with Bon. |
Pokedex42 for Gekidasa12 with Jazzy. |
Blood12 for Lucky 05, with itsplashes. |
Ice03 for Madamada20 woth Panda. |
Sugar12 for Data12 with Eerie. |
Rekka13 for Fiance12 with Junny. |
Honey07 for Lucky11 with Dex. |
Pokedex135 for Madamada11 with Jazzy. |
Justice17 for Gekidasa05 with Sakura. |
Bure01 for Fiance10 and lucky15 CARD SHOP |
Shoulder09 for Gekidasa06 and 19 with Reki. |
Beast14 for Gekidasa07 with niiiinja~~ ¦ ¦ ¦ |
Blood18 and Forget20 for Lucky20 and 16 with itsplashes. |
Jailbait05 for Pride20 with Jazzy. |
Gemini10 for Data09 with Berry. |
Branch11 for Lucky02 with Kao. |
Pride20 for Data10 with Bon. |
10th19 for Lucky06 with Iris.
Ougi13 for Gekidasa17 CARD EXCHANGE |
Bride19 for Madamada08 with bakaelf. |
Burn16 and Book13 for Lucky17 and Data07. |
Prince19 for Fiance11 with first_tears. |
Warrior09 for Lucky08 with Reki. |
Rekka28 for Gekidasa18 (lol) with Reki. |
Necro05 for Tensai01 with zerosaver. |
Drill10 and Positive13 for Fiance15 and 20 with Raptor. |
Judgement17 for Kyrios16 with Tomo. |
Time04 for Kyrios01 with Kuroi. |
10th01 for Lucky19 with Iris (Lucky - pending) |
Swallow03 for Beast02 with Orlando_girl. |
Lancelot16 and Magician20 for Kyrios08 and Beast18 with Azurial. |
Chaos02 and Lost10 for Event card (Goodluck) with Ishtar. |
sleep05 for Kyrios20 with Rashiea. |
Willow07 and Bang01 for Data04 and Madamada07 with Dex. |
Rose01 for Lucky13 with Berry. |
Fiance04 for Resist15 with Jazzy. |
Goodluck for Lucky12, event card ex. |
fanservice for Lucky18, Card Ex. |
Traitor05 for Virtue11 with Miken. |
Ruffles09 for Madamada19 with Kuroi. |
Wings15 and 18 for Data19 and Fiance05 with Bon. |
Pokedex120 for Lucky14 with Jazzy. |
Justice06 for Data15 with Bon. |
Eye11 for Data14 with Li. |
Shoulder01 for Lucky04 and Lucky07 with Sakura. |
Resist18 for Madamada06 with Jazzy. |
Pluto01 for Nfu12 with royalbk. |
Resist15 for Kyrios06 with Hikki. |
Persocom04 for Madamada09 with Bon. |
virtue11 and kyrios06 for Lucky01 and 09 with Ninja~~ |
Phantom15 for Beast15 with lotus. |
Horse07 for Madamada02 with Junny. |
Split18 gifted to Orlandogirl. |
Time09 for Fiance06 with Rikit. |
CARD SHOP: Nobodies08 and Mafia03 for Nfu11, advisor03 and gay15. |
Heartless14 and Justice01 for Beast01 and Adivsor18 with Bon
booty12 for madamada03 with shannonsu. |
tactics12 for madamada12 (CE)
gay01 for memory18 and willow08 with rashiea.
madamada18 for rose05 with berry
card shop - tactics04 for gay14
Knight17 for Data05 with Reki. |
got nfu05 for co-host10, Lotus. |
Kyrios01 08 16 20 and Silver04, Nya12 15 and fiance16 with ninja. |
gifted Japan03 ---> Ninja. |
Jazzy: Silver09 for Egyptian08. |
Pokedex132 for Silver20 with eeveelyn. |
sakujo18 for silver16 with shannonsu.|
clow47 for nfu03 with lilies. |
thief05 and otaku04 for gay16. |
a cert for bombay10 pervert 07 and 08. |
rashiea: bombay10 for data11. |
Dexter: time06 and time10, and dragon09 and dragon13 for madamada16, silver08 11 12. |
Shuusaku12 for Nya08 with Bon. |
bite18 for advisor10 with cents. |
pervert07 and 08 for madamada14 and 15 with panda. |
camorra01 for fiance13 with bon. |
SoS20 for Nya03 with Lilies.
Protect05 and April05 for gay04 with Panda.
Love08 for Data02 with Panda.
Souen04 for Fiance09 with Reki. |
Demon16 and Necro07 for Nfu16 and Fiance07 with Azurial.
Kaiser06 and Magician13 for gay09 with Losers_day. |
Mafia for nya13 and manager03 with dex. |
Snake17 for nfu17 with Rashiea. |
Fiance17 for West13 with Berry. |
Advisor20 for Memory02 with blowsquirt. |
Clow02 for Fiance03 with Sakura
broom09 for fiance18 with a745
MAH FAVOURITE FIENDIE HAS A BIRTHDAY~~ gifted beast18 13 02 15 01 |D
Mafia19 for Data18 with 7 cents
forget03 for nfu02 with Panda |
Pokeball for Trish card with Jazzie. |
Bomb 14 and 13 for gay13 |
CE, Bure07 for fiance19
Imagehunting. Angel17 09 18 devil16 volley16 kansai15
UM FIENDISH TRADE OF FIENDISH devil16 and Japan19 for Kansa04 06
Fiend gifts back kansai03 volley10 08 20 :')
coffee07 for pevert15 with Rashiea.
Nfu06 <-- Rekka13 with stuffedpanda |
Shoulder02 for Fiance02 and 14 with Sakura. |
Traded 2 x Reindeers and 2 x whitechocos for Kansai 19 20 and gay02 10.
grin02 for nya14 with enacting
love12 for nya01 with sakura
got devil20 as a gift from Berry
gekidasa12, nfu06 10 and west17 for pervert06 09 13 and advisor17 with Berry
nfu04 <--- deceit18 with cruxis
Devil02 for shift09 with Panda
A cert for virtue05, japan14 devil04
Virtue05 for fiance01 with Kuroi. |
devil04 japan17 for angel08 volley03 with Sal. |
judgement12 dreams04 pokedex44 48 for manager17 1506 angel07 with Sakura. |
ceo19 for manager11 with lotus |
sakujo09 for angel04 with Sal. |
nfu07 for jellopy62 with bon
Unwanted01 and Jailbait12 for Hyotei03 with Wolf. |
Ougi07 for Hyotei04 with Bon |
Mastered Gay Fiance Data Kansai, got Kansai 10 11 12 13 14 16 17, bombay05 blood13 idiot14 necro20 fanservice06 seal09 illegal19 beloved10 branch16 volley02 04 ~~
bure07 for volley01 CE
solar14, author14, and pokedex98 for oresama13 nfu20 advisor19 mmrobitussin |
got nfu18 form fiend .-. |
seal09 and idiot14 for hyotei19 |
B cert for Devil13 and Angel16.
Devil13 for Volley17 with Fiend.
CE: Hosts07 for Volley06.
Sugar19 Grin13 Nya09 for Mfu13 Oresama03 12 with Hitomik. |
A cert for Wolf08 09 Madamada15.
Madamada15 for Oresama16 with fiend
Wolf08 09 for Hyotei with Bon.
Branch 16 and Sinner 20 for Hyotei 13 with Reki
Egyptian06 for Advisor06 with Cruxis.
Hosts06 for Volley12 CE.
Angel04 for volley14 with Blowsquirt.
5x reindeer for volley15 18 19 and nfu 10 14
8th10 for manager19 with blowsquirt
april06 for oresama18 with kaurin
Angel04 for volley14 with blowsquirt
knight03 for oresama11 with azurial
level 9, data06 plushie14 writer18 exia11 wife20 jewel09 dies03 design14 demon18 a cert.
CE: Fanservice06 for nya16
writer18 and exphere01 for manager08 09 with azurial
King09 and white03 for angel11 devil14 with sumeragi_sei
beloved10 for perver14 with Rashiea
West09 for oresama01
shuusaku10 for manager09
Pokedex69 128 gemini01 for devil17 hyotei06 with Mango.
strahl03 for angel10
exia11 for Devil10 with lotus