I'm back.
Well - the truth is I returned, like, three or four days ago, but, hm... Got caught in some urgent matters and didn't have enough time to check on some stuff - including LJ - on teh internetz. Urgent matters, yeah.
... Okay, no, not really. I've been playing Phoenix Wright 3 and Guilty Gear like some kind of game maniac since Friday >.> That's why I didn't do anything. Except playing, so to speak.
Because these games are gay.
If you think - as I though just a week ago - that fighting games simply can't contain any shounen-ai/yaoi elemens, then you are so wrong.
Three men who are not-exactly-as-straight-as-arrow. And I didn't mean that Guilty Gear - the game I'm speaking of - has some yaoi hints. No.
Three bishies who are gay canonically. One unrequired love. One canon pair. The latter consists of two main characters. And I meant MAIN characters, because there aren't any other main ones. Oh, and the best thing is - text in the game was fully translated into English, but all characters in GG speak Japanese. So many sexy voices~~<3
Um, and Phoenix Wright? It's called by fans "gay lawyer game" for a reason, you know.
And playing it till 3 o'clock in the morning is a very, very bad idea. I assure you.
I'm such a fangirl. I feel stupid. .^.
Eh. I had a lot of fun during my stay in Kudowa~~ I managed to read some chapters of Bleach up to the end of Soul Society Arc... And it totally had broken my writer's block - I wrote a lot of stuff, actually; I'll propably create a new account on LJ only for my fics, because I'm tired of posting them on Sanctuary and I don't want to spam this account >.>
Well, I think will post them on Sanctuary, too. I just want a clean place for my works, I simply can't find anything while browsing through my fanfiction topic on said forum >.>
Now I'm going to check my Friends Page~~ I'll propably comment on some LJ entries and then go to sleep.
My life is so complicated, isn't it? _-_ /sarcasm/