Title: Vanilla and Spice
Pairing: Himchan/Daehyun, bff!Banghim, hinted!Jonglo
Rating: PG-13
Length: 7100+ words
Summary: College!AU. Himchan is a dick, Daehyun is unlucky, but maybes and what-ifs are sometimes all it takes. With a little help from Bang Yongguk, Yoo Youngjae, and hormonal teenagers.
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Comments 22
Thank you for reading! ♥
I know this is weird, but I always notice it right away. When you are using quotations for speech you need to put punctuation at the end (either a comma or a period or w/e) to finish it off! o.o
I wrote banghim just as I think they are in real life too, you know? The characterization just came without effort, so I'm glad the result was good (himdae should be everyone's guilty pleasure tbh)
Thank you for pointing it out omg, I never know how it works with punctuation in dialogue, so I'll definitely keep it in mind!
Thank you for reading!
you're great author-nim!!!
this story was so cute and funny i just TT~TT
"Himchan had this feeling gnawing at him everytime he teased or insulted the younger. The internet called it guilt. The internet also said that by constantly offending the other, he was just trying to hide his latent affection and desire to be with him. Himchan hated the internet."
weeps at the amount of feelings i have right now
this was wonderful !!~ ♥ you write so well
Sigh I love himdae so much too?? Those fuckers are climbing up my otp list so fast ew go away
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