More evidence that Lady Gaga is all show...

Mar 07, 2011 19:12

...and little substance. From today's WaPo:
Lady Gaga is asking a London ice cream parlor to stop selling "Baby Gaga," an ice cream made with human breast milk. The shop sold out of the flavor (pasteurized and mixed with vanilla pods and lemon zest; a serving sells for the American equivalent of $22.50) when it was introduced last week, but government officials confiscated the double-scoop treat over health concerns. Now Gaga is weighing in: Lawyers for the pop superstar contacted the owner and gave him until Wednesday to change the name or face trademark infringement, reports Britain's Evening Standard. The lawyers call the ice cream "deliberately provocative and, to many people, nausea-inducing." Shop owner Matt O'Connor said he's prepared to fight: 'Since the dawn of time the word 'gaga' has been one of the first discernible phrases to come from a baby's mouth. This is why we chose the name."

Leaving aside the less-than-awesome editing on the article (22.50 USD is the "American equivalent" of 22.50 USD), I find it...unconvincing, shall we say, that this woman is worried about being associated with something "many people" might find "deliberately provocative," if perhaps more Madonna flashback-inducing than nausea-inducing

Come on, Gaga, admit it: You're just pissed you didn't think of it first.

That will be all.

music, archive, asshattery

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