I think taking a bread only helps on the weekends.... wish I could have held off til then. Now I have to wait until next weekend to take my next break and that's so far away.... Dx
It took me 1.5 hrs to complete my walk tonight. The fact that I've really not had a time rest my legs doesn't help. I use them to walk, ya know, and the fact that I don't have a foot rest or some sort of prop at work to help, doesn't help. My legs are killing me! I actually thing my left leg went numb a few times at then end. It could have just been a rock in my shoe pressing on a nerve, but I doubt it. That's crazy!
AND I was lock out of the house when I finished. They had all gone to bed, and left me outside. I stood for like.... 10 minutes when I was done, trying to call my brother over the sound of his television to open the door for me... He got way too much enjoyment out of that.
Challenge: 500 miles
Days walked: 6
Miles walked: 30
Miles to go: 470
Emotional response: I've decided not to push myself too hard to finish within an hour. It's causing too many issues and just making me slow down all around.
Also - LJ isn't giving me the options for HTML formatting or Rich Text formatting when posting to my journal.... Kinda pisses me off.