So I've complained several time to my grandmother, any time that's it's come up, that I was never invited to my youngest uncle's wedding, on my dad's side.
I was told while visiting family in the Philippines it was because no one wanted to come and get us, so we, my brother and I, were basically forgotten and uninvited. It was also supposed that children weren't allowed. My second youngest uncle's children were there. My favorite uncle told me all this while we were away from my grandmother for a bit to hangout with him.
Today, my grandmother asked me about it. "How come you weren't at their wedding?" she asked.
"Cuz we weren't invited. I could have drove, but no one told us about it or anything." I said
"That can't be right. Everyone was there..... Oh, children weren't invited." Her.
"No, Uncle D's kids were there." Me.
"Oh yeah, they were. I don't know, I can't believe you weren't invited." Her.
"I didn't even know about it until dad died and I saw pictures" I didn't say this to her, but she told me before and Uncle Den said no one wanted to come and get us (her included). He even asked about us (which I'm going to stay in my fantasy and believe, cuz he could totally be lying.) He also told my bro and I that they left my dad behind at the house, while everyone else went to the wedding. He even had to get my dad dress and ready to go so they were late.
I tell you, my family sometimes...... Argh! I call shenanigans! I think I need some blood tests done! *facepalm*
Oh it hurts.