Ok, finally got my camera working (turns out the problem was the cheapo batteries - got some Duracell batteries and it's working perfectly) and I took just a few pictures, mostly ones of the kitties. :3
This is Buffy. She's a Siamese mix and this is her favorite passtime - sleeping on the recliner. :P
This is Silvie. She was also sleeping and I think the flash was a bit bright for her. :P
Poor baby.
And this is Sam. He's the old man of the house. He's going to be 10 years old in June this year. The girls are going to be one in March and June. I'll get better ones of Sam when he's not being grumpy and looking away from the camera. :P
And this is our betta. who is currently nameless. Any suggestions? His name's Gib.
Finally, our living room. This is the only room in the house I'll take a picture of for a while as it's the most finished (though there is still more we want to do with it).
Well, there you go. Hope you enjoyed. ;P
There'll be lots more to come as I feel the need to take pictures (expect lots of kittie and fishie pictures).
To change subjects now, Ryan's working a double today, which means I'm home alone until 11pm. Then I have to go get him and then go to work at 4am. Yuck.
And on another completely different subject, I hit level 70 in World of Warcraft last night!! :D
...Yes. I am a geek.
Anyhoo, that is all.