Dave, oh, Dave. You're a cool man, and very conscientious of the animals' well-being. But as a DVM, shouldn't you know to read the specific instructions for a bordetella vacc? It says right on the vial to give the first dose nasally--only the booster ought to be given subQ
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Comments 7
Fucking unexcusable.... NEVER! No sorries... no "oh i fucked up"s
none of that shit
Someone needs to be fired and then taken out back and beaten with a big fucking stick for that sort of mistake. Kiwi could have been killed because of that fucking moron.
omfg... I'm pissed enough to do it myself.... fucking shit ball.
Glad to hear your little pugglet is feeling better. :)
Is this Kiwi your pet, or do you work at a zoo?
Or is it a dog or cat named Kiwi... so confused!!! XD
i am very much jelious of your cintique... how do you like it? I hear some hate them.
Why do people 'hate' them? At most, I've only ever heard mild complaints.
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