For any of you interested, and who has access, I have posted pictures of the last Run ET Run Show in a photo album in my facebook.
Also, While looking for my Fundamentals of Flight notes to give to Ryan, I came across the following teleplay written circa sophomore year in high school detailing
(note: this is transcribed word for work from the tenth grade original. I apologize beforehand for any excessive silliness.)
Any likeness to any real of fictitious person in completely coincidental. Dramatization, may not have happened.
Narrator: It was a pleasant May afternoon, in the year of 2003. The sun was shining brightly through the austere windows of *BEEP* High School. Three students were skipping merrily down the hall.
::Evil Sounding Music::
George: La la la la laa.
Matt: Whee.
David: It's fun to skip merrily down the hallway.
Matt: Speaking of skipping down the hallway, I'll pay you 50 cents to call Mr. Bush a dumbass.
George: Hey, I'd pay you 50 cents too!
David: 50 cents and 50 cents? that's like 150 cents! How can I lose?
Matt: Ha ha ha...
David: Well I have to go to spanish and then sewing class. Adios!
Narrator: And then David Adios-ed.
George: He'll never do it.
Matt: Good, 'cause I'd probably never pay him. \
Narrator: and thus George and Matt went, forgetting the previous converstation they had and moving towards the normal trials and tribulations of their day.
As the sixth period bell rang, Matt and George meandered into their seventh period Geometry class, with Mr. Bush. They took their seats at the back of the class, the industrious section of the class that produces paper airplanes and spitballs.
As Mr. Bush took his position in the front of the class where he usually tries to teach a subject, David Barges through the door with a long flowing red cape, a black shirt with a donkey on it with a red circle and a slash over it. He stood there with fists on his hips and his chest sticking out in a defiant manner.
David: Mr. Bush, I was told to tell you that you're a dumbass, so, Mr. Dumbass, you're a dumbass, dumbass!
Narrator: David turned around and started to run.
Matt: Godspeed David, Godspeed.
George: I don't have 50 cents.
Bush: Hey! Wait! what did you say?! Come back!!
David: I...
Bush: Why did you say that?
Matt: Godspeed David, Godspeed.
David: am...
Bush: You're gonna get in trouble.
Matt: Godspeed David, Godspeed.
David: talk-
Bush: What's your name?!
Matt Godspell... I mean Godspeed David, Godspeed.
David: -ing...
Bush: that's it, where's a phone?
George: Godspeed Matt, Godspeed.
Matt: Godspeed David, Godspeed.
David: slow-
Bush: I'm calling Mrs. Barmack.
Matt: You're my hero David. Good for you.
David: -ly.
(fire engine sirens)
Narrator: Later on, in Mrs. Barmack's office...
Mrs. Barmack: What were you thinking?!
David: Financially.
Mrs. Barmack: How so?
David: Improved fiscal competence.
Mrs. Barmack: Fiscall solvency??
David: No, fiscal competence. Frugality.
Mrs. Barmack: Oh.
David: Yeah....
(ten seconds of silence)
Mrs. Barmack: Anyway, your punishment is...
Matt: You're my idol Dave.
David: (singing) This is a story, 'bout a lovely lady...
Mrs. Barmack: ARRRRGH! NO! STOP!
George: I'm George. I'm a dramatic foil but an otherwise unimportant character.
Matt: Godspeed David, Godspeed.
David: Matt, I'm not going anywhere.
Matt: Oh, then I'll just head back to class.
Mrs. Barmack: for calling Mr. Bush a Dumbass, you have to make a private apology. For singing that damnable theme song, 3 DAYS OF IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION!
George: Why won't anybody notice me, poor ol' George?
Narrator: and so, Matt got a new idol, David got three days of in school suspension, and made two dollars, for he got paid extra by George and Matt. George never got noticed, and eventually took over the world because of it. Mr. Bush and Mrs. Barmack got married and spent the rest of their lives stalking David and voting Democrat. And most importantly, I went on to narrate a famous Broadway play.
...Based on a True Story.