[Scene: C-Ko sits stage left in a chair with an enormous book open on her lap, facing the audience. The stage beyond her is dark.]
C-Ko: Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, there were two siblings, and they were very happy.
[Stage lights up. A-KO, dressed in a version of the Rose Bride dress with a knee-length skirt and lots of petticoats, and with her hair up in enormous bows rather than rolled, is sitting on the floor, playing with blocks. B-KO, dressed in a version of Akio's White Prince outfit but with a wooden toy sword at her belt rather than a real one, sits beside her, also playing.]
C-Ko: They lived together in peace and harmony.
A-Ko: [places a block on the amorphous structure they seem to be building]
B-Ko: That doesn't go there! [reaches over and knocks it off. Half the building scatters.]
A-Ko: I'm sorry!
B-Ko: [begins to cry, screwing fists into eyes] Now the castle will never be finished!
A-Ko: [reaches over and pats B-Ko on the shoulder.] No, it's all right, we can build it again.
B-Ko: But it won't be the saaaaa-AAAAAAAAAAMMMEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
A-Ko: [hugging B-Ko] Don't cry. Don't cry. Someday I'll build you a castle that will never fall down.
B-Ko: I don't believe you.
[Lights down]
C-Ko: The two of them grew together in beauty and grace, and lived for each other.
[Lights up. Now there is a little wrought-iron table in the middle of the stage, and two fancy wrought-iron chairs. A-KO, now dressed in the proper Rose Bride dress, but without the glasses, sits in one chair pouring out tea. B-KO, dressed in the White Prince outfit with a real sword, sits in the other, her face completely obscured by the large newspaper she is reading.]
A-Ko: [sips tea]
B-Ko: [turns a page of the newspaper]
A-Ko: [puts teacup back into saucer]
B-Ko: Pour me some tea?
A-Ko: Of course. Sugar?
B-Ko: You should know how I take my tea by now.
A-Ko: [Pours tea, adds four lumps of sugar, places it by B-Ko's elbow]
B-Ko: [without looking from around the newspaper] Aren't there any teacakes left?
A-Ko: Yes. [Puts last two teacakes on B-Ko's plate]
B-Ko: [sips tea, then puts down the newspaper and looks at A-Ko] I say, this is a bit tedious, what?
[Lights down.]
C-Ko: And they lived together in great happiness until a dreadful tragedy happened. One of the siblings died, although they had thought themselves protected from all harm.
[Lights up. B-KO is lying, center stage, with a sword protruding from the center of her chest. A-KO is leaning over her anxiously.]
A-Ko: I told you not to treat your sword like a cheerleader's baton!
C-Ko: But fortunately, the other sibling, out of great love, went on a long journey to learn the magic to revive her dead brother.
[A-KO departs hurriedly, stage right, after covering B-KO with a blanket. Lights down.]
C-Ko: And after many strange and difficult adventures, she was able to bring him back to life.
[Lights up. A-KO is kneeling over the body of B-KO. The blanket and the sword are gone. She scatters powders and roses over B-KO's body, passes her hands over it, and then removes something from her mouth and places it in B-KO's.]
A-Ko: Arise and live once more, my brother.
B-Ko: Five more minutes?
B-Ko: [Sits bolt upright, looking startled.] That hurt.
[Lights down.]
C-Ko: But alas, once one has died, one is no longer immortal, so the sibling who had died had to die and die again as the years passed. But, faithful to her love, his sister revived him every time.
[Lights up. There is a low, box-like table or mastaba center stage. The backdrop flickers in and out, showing at one moment a mad scientist's lab, complete with jacob's ladders and mysterious equipment, and at another moment a sunset-streaked riverbank lined with papyrus. A-KO is carrying various body parts to the table/mastaba and arranging them: A foot, an arm, a head.]
A-Ko: [holding up a needle and thread] It's a good thing I'm so experienced at this now.
[She makes sewing motions, then scatters powders and rose petals over the body. Finally, she removes something from her mouth and puts it into B-KO's mouth.]
B-Ko: [Slowly raises herself up to one elbow on the slab] You know.... I'm getting kind of tired of this.
A-Ko: Perhaps if you refrained from taunting large angry mobs in future...
B-Ko: Why is my hair all wet?
A-Ko: They threw your head in the river and I had to fish it out.
B-Ko: [shakes head, bangs hand on ear] Am I working correctly? Did you get all my parts?
A-Ko: All the ones I could find.
B-Ko: [Lifts the modesty blanket that is covering the lower limbs and stares, panicked, underneath]
[Lights down]
C-Ko: But the sibling who died envied his sister her immortality, which she had never given up.
[Lights up. B-KO is in a hospital bed, head swathed in bandages. There are large bunches of roses on either side of the bed. A-KO is sitting in a straight chair beside the bed.]
B-Ko: This is all your fault.
A-Ko: I didn't push you out the window. I wasn't even in the room at the time!
B-Ko: No, but this is all your fault in a larger sense. If you didn't keep the secret of immortality to yourself...
A-Ko: It's not a secret. You used to have it.
B-Ko: You tricked me into giving it up!
A-Ko: I did not. That was a foolish whim of yours.
B-Ko: I'm miserable and it's all your fault!
A-Ko: I'm sorry, I...
B-Ko: You need to do something about it! I don't want to die any more! It hurts and it's scary and I don't want this to be my job any more!
A-Ko: [looking down at her hands] I'll see what I can do.
B-Ko: You'd better do better than that!
[Lights down.]
C-Ko: And that sibling begged her to protect him from death, of which he had grown much afraid.
[Lights up. The backdrop shows a single empty gothic arch. The stage is empty except for A-KO, standing center stage. B-KO enters, running, obviously panting and exhausted. There is the faint sound of an angry mob.]
B-Ko: They're after me again, you have to save me!
A-Ko: But how?
B-Ko: Can't you hide me with your magic?
A-Ko: Not forever.
B-Ko: But they'll kill me! They'll kill me! You can't let them do that again! I can't bear it!
A-Ko: You don't need to be afraid. I will always bring you back again. I have sworn it.
B-Ko: I'm still afraid! You don't know what it's like... having to trust...
A-Ko: You don't trust me?
B-Ko: They're coming, they're coming!
A-Ko: I cannot stop them, but I can promise...
B-Ko: I'm tired of your promises! Can't you let them take you instead of me?
A-Ko: But I cannot die.
B-Ko: That's what makes it do perfect!
A-Ko: I don't think you understand...
B-Ko: After all, you are a witch. Who but a witch would have the powers to bring me back from the dead?
A-Ko: Are you sure you want to do this?
B-Ko: Yes, yes, YES. Go instead of me! Go instead of me!
A-Ko: Very well. [She turns and begins to walk in the direction B-Ko was running from.]
[Firelight flickers on the backdrop and the sound of an angry mob roars louder]
B-Ko: [pointing at A-Ko] It's not my fault, it's her fault! She's a witch, take her! Take her!
A-Ko: [looks once over her shoulder at B-Ko, then strides offstage. The sound of the mob rises to an earsplitting, inhuman shriek of singing, screeching metal.]
[Lights down]
C-Ko: And so the sister agreed to protect her brother from death.
But was that really such a good idea?
Archimage, by Jude McLaughlin