World 1: Coquitlam Springs - The first world of the game, along with the hometown of several of the characters. Necrocodile Kevin's castle is to the southeast, and the main town is past the 1KM forest, which is also the tutorial grounds. The best place in the game to just chill and chat with the townsfolk, all of whom are on friendly terms with Alphonse & Pang.
World 2: Brook Mountain - Northeast of Coquitlam Springs, a mountain that is covered, and surrounded by trees. Some of the people, along with Emma Lee state that a giant Forest Gorilla lives somewhere on the mountain. Always looking for a fight, Alphonse decides to help Emma Lee find (and fight) the Forest Gorilla, Pang tagging along to make sure he doesn't burn down the forest to do so.
World 3: Port Coquitlam - Further south from the main town of Coquitlam Springs, this bustling port has many people living in it, but most of them have been scared off by the hideous monsters that suddenly appeared not to long ago. Pang & Alphonse stumble upon the attacked town after Dwayne Gibble challenges the latter to a duel via the internet.
World 4: Swamp of Sorrows - West of Brook Mountain, the Swamp of Sorrows is imfamous for it's graveyards and castles. Duncan McCluffin & Princess Mia Sol live in the less frighting part of the swamp, which is in fact very grassy and pleasant. Upon hearing that a princess was kidnapped by the Crab Dragon, Alphonse was intrigued by the idea of a reward. But soon after hearing that his friend Duncan had disappeared when he went to fight the Crab Dragon alone, Alphonse & Pang rushed there to find him.
World 5: Great Cave Offensive - A massive cave to northwest of Coquitlam Springs. This cave has been said to be an endless death trap to those who wish to explore it, which is exactly why Brett Bretterson wants to film it. Pang stumbles upon the cave after noticing air coming out of a rock wall during one of his nature hikes. Upon learning about the cave, Mia Sol & Alphonse decide to go to it to hopefully find treasure.
World 6: Metrotown - Very west of Coquitlam Springs, into the next city, is a technological wonderland. Metrotown is a land of shopping, fast food, and specifically for Alphonse, arcade games. Mia & Pang accompany Alphonse on his weekly trip to the AGES arcade. However, it may not be all fun and games, as the rest of the mall appears to have been taken over by robots!
World 7: White Rock - A town south, across the mighty Coquitlam River, run by pirates. Some people say that the White Rock the town is named after holds a veritable bonanza of treasure under it. However, a giant octopus seems to have decided to use the moat surrounding the White Rock as it's home. Captain Kenneth the pirate called the trio to get rid of the creature.
World 8: The Isles of Victokinowa - An island chain far west from Metrotown, off the coast of the province. The political capital of country Coquitlam Springs resides in, Victokinowa is also a vaction paradise. Although, that's not why the trio of heroes are there. Pang, Mia & Alphonse have been charged with finding the cause of, and halting, an onslaught of jellyfish that have turned the waters around the islands into deadly traps for anything except sea turtles.
World 9: The Crystal Mall - A glass-centric mall with a massive tower south of Metrotown. The tower has been taken over by deizens of the Dark Dimension! Word has spread that a dark portal to another world has appeared on the top floor of the complex, and ever since Zok's threat, Alphonse has been itching to fight another battle with his "brother". Oh, and saving the citizens trapped due to the dark beings is a good thing too.
World 10: Dark Dimension Coquitlam Springs - Due to a tear in the fabric seperating realities, heroes gain the ability to travel into Zoks' home dimension. Everything seems to be slightly more "evil" in the world, and there doesn't seem to be anyone in the town after the 1KM forest. However, Zoks and his companions, Nina Lun and Shou Shinichi, plan to make sure you never leave, alive at least. Although it appears that the only thing "wrong" with this level is your presence in it.