Title: When He Dreams
Fandom: Iron Man
Summary: Tony’s dreams, when he has them, are mostly filled with Pepper.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Tony/Pepper
Length: ~1,000
Disclaimer: Iron Man (and all related characters, etc.) belong to Marvel, etc.
Notes: Movie-verse, unbeta-ed. Angsty, I think. (Though not completely, ultimately- yeah.)
Like most ordinary, non
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Comments 20
This was very touching...made me a little teary-eyed, which doesn't happen often.
I love the very direct cause-and-effect between his dreams and what he's currently obsessed with in his workshop. Like if he can improve this one project, maybe he can stop them from coming true, like he's sure they're going to come true, sooner or later, one way or another.
and prays to the God his mother believed in
I don't know why, but that phrasing just stuck with me. I've always had the image of Maria Stark as a quietly devout Catholic, even though her husband and son never practice or even think much about it.
Very, very sweet, my friend. I'm looking forward to reading more from you. :)
I think Tony would be very much like that. Pessimistic enough to think that those situations warrant some sort of preventative action because it's either likely or likely enough that they'll happen. And he'd also be the kind of person who'd do something proactive to prevent/lessen the impact of whatever he's afraid will happen. (As opposed to a moper.)
You too with the Maria Stark!
I have my suspicions that it's her first name that does it...Maria is probably one of the most Catholic names out there. (But it still tickles me that someone has the same image of her as I do!)
(On a more outrageous tangent: I had the misfortune of watching part of Bring It On 4 last week, and they took team names from West Side Story. So that's the Sharks and the Jets, right? And then they had them merge...into not the Jarks, or even the Jet-Sharks, but the SHETS. I couldn't believe my ears.)
I do hope the blondes were just pre-Afghanistan, though. Maybe now he just picks an innuendo fight with Pepper and wonders what her underwear looks like! *grin* Ooh, or buys some for her just to get the reaction! *smirks, giggles madly*
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I like to think the blondes are pre-Afghanistan too. =) And that these days, the bruises on his chest are from Pepper's stilettos.
Thanks for your comments! And your spam invite! =P
I like to think the blondes are pre-Afghanistan too.
Yes, definitely! Especially since such behavior might only heighten the likeliness of the last dream coming true... Hm, maybe that's why he becomes such an alcoholic...can't even drown his sorrows with women anymore, so he just goes and gets himself a stiff drink.
And that these days, the bruises on his chest are from Pepper's stilettos.
**sighs happily** Oh, I so love how many fabulous, fabulous authors this fandom's sucked in!
As for the alcoholism, yeah. *sigh* Tony'd want to dull the edges somehow, and a brainless blonde just wouldn't cut it anymore. (Even if another woman didn't freak over the arc reactor, Pepper would just give him such a look the next morning.)
Honestly? I'm kinda glad the next movie will take a while to get here. It gives fic writers more time to come up with lots and lots of lovely, happily-ever-after-all-the-angst stories before movie canon shoots all the lovely plot bunnies. (Apparently, comic canon has already derailed the Pepperony ship, but since I've never seen the comics, I am remaining blissfully in denial!) *Pepper/Happy...lalala, I can't hear you!*
(Unfortunately, I don't think Pepper's ever going to get any idea of this. Except maybe after one of the happy dreams, where she'll ask Tony why he's so chipper, and he'll say, "Of course it's because I dreamed about you last night," and she'll reply, "I'm sure you did, Mr Stark," and not believe a word of it.)
I'm glad it worked so well for you. =)
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