Having done all that training and the triathlon last week I've taken this week right off to stick my feet up and pop a few beers.
Today, as a result, I feel ever so weird, don't whether its an Ireland brother thing, but I feel fidgety, its difficult concentrating on reading and my head feels like its got this itch in the centre of it which you just can't scratch without screwing your face up, putting your tongue on the roof of your mouth and humming, very bizarre.
I think I need to exercise tomorrow...
In other news I like the idea that bio-fuels are the next big thing in the fight against global warming. The hope is that the large scale introduction of these bio-fuels will help reduce the rising levels of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. But, watching some of Saving Planet Earth this week Mr.Attenborough and co beautifully illustrated that these fuels produced from plant production have to be grown somewhere and that 180,000 hectares a year of pristine rain-forest in, er, damn , forgotten the name of it, some big tropical island has been cleared for the production of farms to grow these plants for the past 5 years. But then I suppose unless the rise of the temperatures isn't combated somehow then its all going to disappear. That's a lot of rain-forest, can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, eh?