On many levels.
First point this evening is I have reviewed my opinion of Pans Labyrinth and have found I was in a bad mood, its an excellent film, just quite brutal. I think the idea is that the fantasy is an escape from the brutality of the fascist rule that makes up her surrounding reality. If thats the case its an excellently woven piece of footage, taking you between the two, I think everyone can relate to that.
I was watching the Terminator tonight, great film, but after was flicking through the plethora of other free-view channels, only to be shocked by TMF. It usually plays crap pop songs and this being the festive season, it was playing festive pulp. "Oh I wish it could be Christmas" sung by Shaking Stevens was being accompanied by Kumar Sutra messages along the bottom of the screen. Yes, sexual positions to stir your festive season, it had little three-d models and all if you didn't know what they were e.g. The ear muff warmer, the flight of the sparrow, the pile driver, Santa's Panto, The tobogane, the list goes on.... as voted for by the public. I have no problems with this usually, but over-layed to a Christmas song with children lighting candles? Perverted. Amusing. Sick. Hypnotic viewing.
Urgggh, so in response to this morally decadent t/v viewing I started drinking vodka. Lots of vodka. I'd like to challenge anyone out there to a drinking contest, cause I'm hot. It's 6 in the morning, I've spent the last 6 hours drinking, I've compiled a very worthy compilation of NIN tracks (the trick is to make it so when ya listen to them it sounds like an album) which has taken the past 4 hours. That's OK; then imagining Trent and the boys turning up to your house after posting him the idea for a compilation album isn't. An hour in fact, Trent having tea cooked by my Mum, falling asleep jacked up in my snooker room(after I'd beaten him at pool), to getting a photo on the front drive with mother in the middle. I find this amusing cause, if it did happen, he and his rabble, would be treated like all the other cane heads ever to tread foot on this premise. "Looking the worst for wear this morning aren't we, its all that Heroin, I tell you, never had good heroin in my day, had ration books young man. Now how do you like your tea, sugar?" A bizarre fantasy but most amusing.
Fading away, losing focus, drifting into the abstract. Less concerned about fitting into the world, your world that is. Yes, I'm alone........
I'm going to cook breakfast, Spanish omelette at this time of the morning, takes your mind off being down. That's the beauty of cooking, it involves, it doesn't abuse and it satisfies on sooo many levels.
My perfect NIN compilation would be:
All the love in the world
The beginning of the End
Ruiner (live)
Dead Souls
At the heart of it all
The Hand that Feeds
Meet your Master
The line begins to blur
Slipping away
Something I can never have
Everyday is exactly the same
the downward spiral (the bottom)
Getting Smaller
but thats only my opinion. Its not just the good songs its how they blend one to another.