Damn I hate waiting for goodies you've won to be posted through. I won those decks a week ago Tuesday and they still ain't arrived.
The problem is I end up looking at the thing I've bid on again and again and start to worry that I've bid on something that's pants, not going to work or is just in a state of disrepair and I'll be left feeling deflated. This is made worse by the fact that the background reading I've done on these things has just condemned the things I've bought, vouching to "save your money and buy something decent". Nuts. Its the waiting thats the killer, just like getting your exam results....
I always do this, get a bug for something rush in, think, oh I'll get it on E-bay cause it'll be cheap-er and then end up thinking I should have spent it on something new that works and is delivered on time. I think I shall be boycotting e-bay from now on as I'm just no good at bidding on it.