
Jan 27, 2012 00:07

我回来看你们了~ 亲爱的粉丝们 - 2007-10-04 20:33
I've come back to see you~ My dear fans

扼……又过好9了 看见你们心情总是特别好 呵呵 就算是骂我的帖子 我看起来似乎也很高兴 对了 我读高中了 我好累的~~~读书 真的好累的 累死人了!!! 要是可以不读书 就好了 ~~~不过好象不现实…… 谢谢你们 还这么看得起我 喜欢我 我也永远喜欢 爱你们~ 还有3天就是我的生日了 我的生日愿望就是 所有喜欢我 支持我 或者讨厌我的 人 都能幸福…… 每天开心…… 谢谢你们陪我度过每年的生日 虽然不能和你们在一起 玩 闹 但是你们能记得我已经很知足了 因为我不记得这里的号子了 所以又是匿名写的 喜欢你们别介意 好么? 嘿嘿 祝大家都开心 送你们个FLYING KISS 呵呵~。~ 谢谢大家~~
Eh...It's been so long again. Seeing you guys raises my spirits every time. Ahh, even if it's a disparaging post, somehow, seeing that makes me happy too. Oh that's right, I'm in high school now. I'm so tired~~ Studying is so tiring. Tired to death!!! If I didn't have to study, that'd be great. ~~~~but that doesn't seem to be possible..... Thank you guys for still being able to respect me, to like me. I'll also always like you, love you guys~ In three days it'll be my birthday. My birthday wish is just that every person who likes me, who supports me, or who hates me can be happy......that every day will be pleasant.... Thank you for passing my birthday with me every year. Even though you can't be here with me, playing, being loud, but that you guys can remember me already makes me happy. Because I can't remember my username here, sometimes I post anonymously. Don't hate me for liking you, okay? Hehe. Wishing everyone happiness, I'm sending you a FLYING KISS, ahh ~.~ Thank you everyone~~

谢谢大家 - 2007-07-15 19:46
Thank you everyone

又是老话重谈 谢谢大家 的支持 我在努力练习我的专业 写了N首歌 我会参加快男 不过对自己没什么信心 希望大家能给我信心 嘿嘿 其实你们不要对我这么好 我还真的 不好意思 只要你们还记得我就OK拉 我就感觉很欣慰了 你们是我参加…… 的最大收获 我会努力 因为MOTHE 那个号 密码又不记得了 所以 又匿名发 惭愧 -。-! 呵呵 不过还是很开心

沙发自己做 顺便说下 我声音变拉 没以前那么好听了 ……

It's all the usual things: thank you everyone, thank you for your support, I will continue to practice and train hard, I've written N songs, I will participate in 块男. Although I don't have that much confidence in myself, I hope that everyone will believe in me, hehe. But really, you guys don't have to be so good to me, I'm really embarrassed. As long as you still remember me, then it'll be OK. I'll be very thankful. You guys are the...best thing I gained from participating. I will work hard. Because I forgot the password to the account. So. Posting anonymously again. Embarrassed -。-! Ahhh but I'm really happy.

Everyone make your own sofas. Oh and by the way, my voice changed, it doesn't sound as good as it used to...

大家辛苦了 - 2010-11-16 01:56
Everyone has worked hard

2005年到2010年 已经5年了 我的吧还在 这让我感觉很温馨 很好 谢谢你们 一起让贴吧走过这么长时间 看到你们从初中毕业 或者高中毕业升入大学。。真是 5年了 变化好大呀 还有50个人支持我 实在是很感谢 特别感谢吧主 辛苦了 哈哈 我每天都没什么太多时间 来逛逛贴吧 所以对不起各位。刚刚回家 每天都很累 希望你们能注意身体 好好的专注自己的事业 加油 你们会成功的 我也会加油的 谢谢你们对我的支持~

From 2005 to 2010, it's already been 5 years, and my bar (forum) is still here. This makes me feel really warm, really good. Thank you. To be able to have spent this much with everyone on the tieba, seeing you graduate from middle school, or graduating high school and entering university... really, it's been 5 years. So much has changed. That there's still 50 people supporting me, I'm really very thankful. I'm especially thankful to the one who runs the bar, you've worked hard haha. I don't have a lot of time every day to spend on the bar, I'm sorry. I just got home, every day is very tiring. I hope everyone will take care of themselves, and concentrate on whatever they're working on. Work hard! You will suceed. I'll work hard too. Thank you everyone for your support~

沙发抢一个 谢谢你们了^^
stealing a (seat on the?) sofa~ thank you guys ^^

无题- 2010-12-11 05:20
No subject

感谢 幽幽心情给我做的ID 太好了 每次百度都自动登录 所以可以 经常来说说话 长沙应该变冷了吧 大家注意不要感冒了 ~ ~

Thank you 幽幽心情 for making my ID. It's great. Every time I'm on Baidu it logs me on automatically, so I can come and talk often. Changsha should be getting cold now right? Everyone, make sure not to catch a cold~~

自己坐 沙发~ 大家要每天开心~

Seat yourselves! Sofa~ Everyone has to be happy every day~

谢啦 大家。。~ - 2011-08-21 04:21
Thanks, everyone...

常常过来看到大家说的话 很开心 也很感动 觉得自己还有那么多人关心我 很满足 很幸福了~
大家注意身体 希望大家天天开心
嗯。。。。还有 就是真的谢谢了。。。我会继续努力的~!
【除了谢谢不知道说什么了。。很感动~ 谢谢(*^__^*) 】

I come here often to see what people are saying, and it makes me really happy, really grateful. Seeing that there's still so many people who care about me makes me really satisfied, really happy~
Thank you everyone...
Everyone, take care of yourselves. I hope everyone is happy every day.
Ah........and, really thank you...I'll continue to work hard~!
(Other than thank you i don't know what else to say...I'm so grateful~ Thank you (*^__^*) )

沙发我坐 哈哈~ ~~~~~
I'll sit on the sofa haha~~~~~~~

*orz I am not well versed enough to know why he keeps talking about a sofa :| english fandom equivalent of FIRST!!!!!
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