Kvetha Fricai!

Dec 21, 2006 13:16

Name/Nickname: My birth name is Meagan, but I also answer to Pippin, Boba, and, of course, Meg/Megs.
Age: I’m 24 years old.

Likes: I love, love, love baseball! I’m a die-hard Seattle Mariners and, now, Philadelphia Phillies fan (let’s just say I cried the day Jamie Moyer was traded to the Phils, but hey … now I have a decent team to root for!), and … well … I less-than-like the Yankees. Sorry to any Yankees fans out there. I also really love to read fantasy and fiction; watch movies; haunt used bookstores; go to coffee shops and have deep conversations; theology; languages; history; traveling; and practicing my fencing. (Yes, fencing.)
Dislikes: Rap and/or country music; artificiality; aspartame; buses on the truck route by my house late at night; people who listen but don’t really hear (or is it hear but don’t really listen?); the “My horse is bigger than your horse” game; statistics; politics; being in the public eye.

Strong points: I’m fiercely loyal to those I love and would do anything to protect them. I’m friendly, albeit quiet. I also am very inquisitive, and am always the one to ask “Why?”
Weaker points: I am easily angered. Even though I have to dye my hair red, my temper is au naturel! I’m also opinionated to a fault and rather moody.

What is something you'd change about yourself?: I’d like to be more comfortable in large groups or in front of people. I get so nervous, even though I have no very little reason to be.
What is something that annoys you most about other people? Oh, goodness -- most?! Geez. I could open up a few cans of worms on that one. I really don’t like how focused people have become in regards to money. It’s all about how much we can bring in by the end of the fiscal year; it’s all about the buck and how much we’ll surpass goal so we can get our bonuses … in February … when the fiscal year ends in December. I don’t like it.
What is something you'd change about the world? Well … see above answer for one option … but I would love to eradicate hunger. I’d love to see people more comfortable opening their arms to people who aren’t necessarily like them in all ways but suffer from many of the same needs - hunger, depression, loneliness, grief, happiness, joy … the list goes on. So many of us have so much … but so many more have so little, if not nothing.

Hobbies & Talents: Photography and scrapbooking are two of my big things right now! I love them both. I also write pretty well and have a knack for picking out grammatical errors (even if I don’t obey the rules all the time either!).

Favorite time of the year?: I love different things about each season! I’d have to say that fall is my absolute favorite time of year, though. I love the changing of the trees, the cooler weather (I love cold & wet, as well as cold and clear), the rain, the wind … it’s just lovely!
Mature or Immature?: For me? Well, I’d like to say I’m more on the mature side … hahaha … but I definitely have my areas that I’m still incredibly naïve/immature.
Leader or Follower?: Depends on the situation. I prefer being the follower, but there are some instances where I will totally pick up and lead!
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Optimistic. It makes life so much better. ;-)
Day or Night Person? I’m definitely a day person. I infinitely prefer getting up early and doing things as opposed to staying out late or getting up late. I feel … much more productive that way, and not as though I’ve “wasted” the day. Also, I’ve found that after about 9 or 10pm, I’m just dang grouchy, and, well, I don’t want to put other people through my evening wrath!
Social or more aloof? I’m a bit more aloof. I have a hard time interacting with people I don’t know, most of the time. A lot of it does depend on the atmosphere, but I am pretty quiet usually.
Cynical or quick to believe what you're told? Some of both, actually. Again, it depends on the atmosphere and who I’m talking to. Growing up, I was very quick to believe what I was told; lately I’ve become more cynical - it goes back to the asking “Why?” all the time! If someone tells me “No,” I’m much more likely to turn around and say “Yes” just to hack them off or to prove them wrong.
Dreamer or realist? Some of both. I have a lot of dreams, but I find it very hard to get up and pursue them.

How do you react to stress? I thrive on it, to a degree, but after it crosses a particular threshold … beware! I get snarky!
How do you react when you're given extra responsibility? Depends on what the extra responsibility is. Some is good, some is bad. I usually feel rather humbled and blush! 
You come across someone who's obviously in danger. Do you try to help them out, shrug it off and figure someone else will deal with it, or stick around but call for help? I’d call for help and then try and see if there’s anything I can do in the meantime, even if my skills aren’t the best. (But gimme some kingsfoil; it works great on a lot of things, and even if it wouldn’t solve this problem, at least it’d make things smell pretty!)
If you were in the Inheritance trilogy as a character, which side would you be on if any, and WHY? I would completely side with the Varden. I completely support their cause and would want to aid their resistance against Galbatorix in any way that I could.

Assuming for a moment that the color of a Rider's dragon reflects something about his or her personality, please go to this link HERE and copy and paste the color and description you feel fits YOUR personality best and would be the color of your dragon if YOU were a Dragon Rider. Blue
Blue is the color of the Virgin Mary, and is associated with girls who have similar pure qualities. In addition, it is the color of water and the sea, with all the symbolic references already discussed for that element - that is, blue usually indicates femininity, life, purity, etc., just as water does.

Blue can also symbolize peace, calm, stability, security, loyalty, sky, water, cold, technology, and depression.

Give your thoughts on the following: Humans, dwarves, elves, Dragon Riders, Ra'zac, Urgals, and Shades. Oh, gosh. Okay.
Humans: Well, I like them, as I am one … haha! They/we are a bit slow on the uptake sometimes, but certainly very capable of both great good and great evil.
Dwarves: Stubborn, but very creative and Isidar Mithrim is dang amazing. They don’t seem as stereotyped in the Eragon series as they do elsewhere, and I like that.
Elves: I must confess that I find myself wondering if Paolini’s elves have pointy ears. Hah! But I find them intriguing. Though I like Tolkien’s Elves better, Paolini’s add depth to the richness and breadth of the Elven race.
Dragon Riders: Who wouldn’t want to be a Dragon Rider?! The Riders are perhaps the most complex characters, and I have this psycho fascination with “complex” characters.
Ra’zac: I find these creatures disgusting, especially after seeing the movie’s rendition. Not quite what I’d imagined in my head from the book’s description, but they nevertheless got the point across that these are not to be messed with. They are dangerous and cruel.
Urgals: Disgusting! What are these, anyway? Yes, I know, I could look it up, but what’s the point in that?! (Haha.) Yet another fine example of how Galbatorix enslaves people and … things … to his will.
Shades: I actually find Shades rather fascinating. How many of them are there? Why do they find being possessed by insane amounts of evil spirits ever so much fun? (Of course, I am sure that after a point they had no control over the spirits … because that’s what makes them Shades, is that they have no control over them …) Have they ever been able to somehow overtake the evil spirits in a moment when the spirits were - le gasp - weak? Is this even possible? … Okay, I’m stepping off my soapbox now.

Favorite quote & why?: I just love one of Murtagh’s lines in the book: "My mind is the only sanctuary that has not been stolen from me. Men have tried to breach it before, but I've learned to defend it vigorously, for I am only safe with my innermost thoughts." I guess I like it because I can relate to it.

What are your goals and ambitions: I’d love to get my MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) certification. I have no idea how long that would take - I need to look into it more - but that’s definitely near the top of my list. I wish I could say I know exactly what I want to do with my life … but I don’t! So hah! I do have to say that I love my current job, and I foresee staying with the company for quite a while. At this point I just want to love life and enjoy it.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?: I’d really like to have a house in five years … maybe that’s insane, but I just thought of it about 30 seconds ago. So maybe owning a home (which isn’t likely, though, because I have zip-o money), working, taking a few trips … hopefully in five years I will have grown and matured as a person!

Anything else?: … Nope.
What Hogwarts house do you identify with and WHY? (This question is entirely optional, but can be useful to further analyze your personality. That, and at least one of your mods might be insane. Humor us.) I identify most with Ravenclaw - I think this is primarily because I was very studious in school and have the sort of dry sense of humor that often makes me think of Ravenclaw students. I also identify with Hufflepuff, because they are very loyal and unafraid to work hard.
How did you find this community?: I’ve seen it advertised in other sorting communities (i.e. ”stamping_comms”) and people’s userinfos.
Any questions you'd wish to see included on this application? I think this is pretty good! Although I do enjoy the “Who’s your favorite character/why” question … maybe because I’ve suddenly become a huge Murtagh fan … *cough* *grin*

Pictures. Or a description of yourself.
In this first one … I’m on the very right.

And … I’m the one on the left here.


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