(no subject)

Jan 27, 2007 00:38

Name/Nickname: Alice Wisdom
Age: 17

Likes: I dig Music (lol), Writing stories and poems, Reading, Hanging out with friends, skateboarding
Dislikes: People, War, Hate, Being touched, Pop music, Chewing gum

Strong points: I’m creative and unique
Weaker points: I care too much

What is something you'd change about yourself?: My height I guess
What is something that annoys you most about other people? There’s a lot of things I can’t really choose one
What is something you'd change about the world? All the war and hatred

Hobbies & Talents: Drawing, Photography, Writing, Reading

Favorite time of the year?: Tie between Summer, cause we’re outta skool and Fall because it feels like home.
Mature or Immature?: Both I know what times it’s good to be immature or mature
Leader or Follower?: I guess Leader
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Pessimistic
Day or Night Person? NIGHT!!! Things seem more beautiful at night anyway
Social or more aloof? Loner
Cynical or quick to believe what you're told? Cynical
Dreamer or realist? Dreamer

How do you react to stress? I shut myself off and just listen to music until I figure out how to deal with it.
How do you react when you're given extra responsibility? I try my best not to screw it up
You come across someone who's obviously in danger. Do you try to help them out, shrug it off and figure someone else will deal with it, or stick around but call for help? I’d try and help them out, call for help ya know
If you were in the Inheritance trilogy as a character, which side would you be on if any, and WHY? I’d be with the Varden cause The Empire’s lost it’s mind, plus I hate evil dictators that abuse their people.

Assuming for a moment that the color of a Rider's dragon reflects something about his or her personality, please go to this link HERE and copy and paste the color and description you feel fits YOUR personality best and would be the color of your dragon if YOU were a Dragon Rider. Purple
Purple can represent royalty, spirituality, nobility, ceremony, mysterious, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, arrogance, and mourning.

Give your thoughts on the following: Humans, dwarves, elves, Dragon Riders, Ra'zac, Urgals, and Shades. Humans- Idiots with good intentions. Dwarves- Like shiny things and dirt. Elves- Sophisticated and pretty. Dragon Riders- Luckiest people EVER!. Ra’zac- Scary chicken people. Urgals- Orcs in disguise. Shades- Wicked cool evil sorcers I mean come on Durza in the movie is really hot and kickass… yea.

Favorite quote & why?: “I’m okay with being unimpressive, I sleep better.” -Mark from Garden State- Because I shouldn’t be wasting my time trying to impress someone when I’m perfectly comfortable with who I am as a person.

What are your goals and ambitions: To become a world famous author
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?: Hopefully traveling the world.

Anything else?:
What Hogwarts house do you identify with and WHY? (This question is entirely optional, but can be useful to further analyze your personality. That, and at least one of your mods might be insane. Humor us.) Slytherin. I know I said I hate people who start wars and stuff like that but… I dunno it’s just like they have no choice because they’ve been pinned as the bad guy already so why try to be good. I guess I identify with them because people judge me before they know me too.
How did you find this community?: Just being bored and looking through communities
Any questions you'd wish to see included on this application? …Uh no you got it all covered as far as I can tell.

Pictures. Or a description of yourself. I’m short and thin. Gots brown hair and blue eyes.
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