
Apr 02, 2011 18:58

So, ilean24355 suggested I take a picture of my new 3DS and put it here, so I'm going to do just that! Here we go:

The quality sucks, but what can I do? Anyway there's my new, rather expensive possession, though it was worth every penny! My DS Lite had a pretty glitchy screen, so I am finally seeing 5th Gen Pokémon games the way they were meant to be. Something tells me this will be my main video gaming system for quite awhile now. XD

And its camera is better than the one I already had! I obviously couldn't take a picture of the 3DS with it's own camera, but I did take this picture while I was out earlier today. The Canada geese are finally back from their winter vacation down south, and one lucky gander got his face up on my LJ:

While I was out today, it appears my 3DS picked up two random people who also had Nintendo's newest system. I've had it for a few days now, but this is first time it picked up anyone. Tis yet another incentive for me to get out of the house and exercise. ^_^


I'm finally hearing more about Ivory Coast in the main headlines again. But sadly, we had to wait until hundred more people had lost their lives. The West African nation has been in a state of disarray since November. months before there were any riots in Egypt or Libya. However, these North African nations seemed to get all the news coverage, while Ivory Coast was given the blind eye. It makes me wonder what else is going on in the world that just doesn't make the headlines.

While learning some more Chinese characters, I have been attempting to get them all typed up using my keyboard. I have been using the Cangjie method, which seems simple in principle, but I keep messing it up in practise, where one wrong key completely ruins your chances. All in due time, I suppose. I'll just keep at it!


I'm almost finished with season one of Supernatural now. I'm such a scardey cat with horror, but this show isn't too bad. My favourite so far was Faith, where Sam and Dean were fighting a Reaper. I liked it because of the conflicts involved, as whether they defeated their foe or not, someone would still die. And the last episode I watched, Hell House, was good for another reason: it was hilarious! The brothers' pranks against each other reminded me of all the things my little brother and I would do to each other, XD.

Music-wise, Korean singer Lee Ji-eun, better known as IU, has got my attention. She has an excellent voice, and can hold her notes extremely well. I think she's going to be around for a long, long time. And she's only seventeen! She makes me feel really old, lol.

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