That was a strange event and very hard to really sum up in a hot or not. So I'll go retro and try and narrate it.
Friday involved arriving in comfortable time for a change partly as a result of starting in Oxford having spent an enjoyably liquid night at Toni's and a friendly morning after featuring sausages, pyjamas and a very hangover free relaxed attitude.
This resulted in the Palace being the first PB tent on site. Excellent. Was also met by Barry and a good chat resulted in peace of mind. There followed our monster slot, which I sat out because after dark/twilight fighting tends to increase my mandowns. So Myself, and William Hook were in camp for the whole slot putting up/set dressing the remaining pb tents, intermitantly joined by Gareth and Amy Redman or Althea and Mattheus.
So I ended up as the factions answerphone, meeting the Harts military command, the Caer Dannon militia, and the local Madame and taking a variety of messages/turning down Bria's monster's offers. Then the fight blew up, so 4 of us versus 4 monsters sounds ok, but elementals only affected by enchanted who can full cure themselves versus 3 mages and a fighter meant that we got creamed. Second time in two events we've been rolled by our own faction during a slot. It kind of sucks. Rest of the night was slow because it tooktime for the rest of the faction to get going, watched one of my team do their first ritual, kind of pleased as she did pretty good and there was some great feedback to work on. There was also a great unit dinner. Norfolk was also pretty tactless at Nazareth
Saturday dawned and I just didn't stop working all day, turns out my ritual meeting clashed with a muster, which I was told would be short. Gah!!!! Should have seen that coming, never actually had time to have that meeting all weekend.
Went to liberate a field in Erin, managed to happilly sergeant major a few people and was involved in a Benny Hill Style chase after Parmin feared a fomor high mage who frenzied after him round the field with me matching pace behind the fomor with a polearm raised over my head, sadly there was no group of scantilly clad women chasing me. Kerr dropped Jericho in it with Neantog.
Went on a mini linear and managed to avoid crippling myself, I do however miss long quests, linears are just a single encounter it seems.
Had Ice cream and Dinner with Marianne, Bria, Hayd, and Nicky, then went shopping, marianne managed to find a were mask that fitted, was 20 quid and looked surprisngly good with Sid's kit.
Managed to break the bards/watchers by talcing my staff in the guild as it had got a bit tacky.
Kerr beat me to being a sergeant to Norfolk over his tact issue the night before.
Then was Elspeth's ritual, sadly it didn't work out well, she tried an imaginative idea, tried to respond to some watcher feedback, and ran short of time. It scored low and my day was pretty much set running around dealing with the fall out, to the extent my my knee was throbbing by nightfall. The day just kind of blew from that point on, as I tried to comfort aberanted/void tainted people, discovered that I have to face a patronising insult from a void inspired bank (that could be interesting), got creamed by a circle guardian, who seriously hurt my hand, spilt my last beer (a nice ref gave me money for a new one, but the bar was shut) and made me feel even more picked upon. Though it was nice to see how many people were looking out for me.
The running around also didn't give me chance to finish chats with Sid and Tara
Sunday was slightly better as we got some breaks, the fight was amazing or average depending I suspect on which side of the Balrog you were. We gave our last slot to the dragons so they could save their country and have an extra one next year.
So that was the event, there were no real highs and I worked really hard and just felt the grind, my department is currently in alot of trouble.
Rollcall is
Me (1 ritual)
Matteus (1 ritual but going guildy)
Elspeth (3 rituals and Void tainted)
Tariel (1 ritual and aberated)
Ailish (experienced but really busy OC)
Rhapsody(experienced but unwilling to do any more for some pretty good reasons)
Marinus (0 rituals)
The Gathering is going to be spent fixing people and whether that's by ritual or bank, I don't know yet.
"Have you been working on your Cardio"
"We shall send our elite legions to hold this field"
"How many times were you magebolted Jericho"
"I need to borrow cosaint's white powder to rub down my mighty weapon, to stop it being sticky"
"Everyone is ordered back to the faction, the Elysium is there." Kerr and Karnak look at each Other "Pub?" "Pub"
"How do you expect to tear Jericho a new one if you keep walking around the field without a bodyguard"
"Go be elsewhere"
"Just the Morning?"