Hey guys remember me?
Yeah me neither.
Anyway...so I got fired just before St. Patricks Day.
See, I had already gotten a couple strikes against me under Walmart's 3 strike policy.
There was this incident where my co-worker "Weasel-face" and myself left a container of razor blades on a shelf after cleaning an area. We were both written up for this.
Prior to that I had received a "Verbal" for my being insubordinate and attempting to listen to my ipod and stave off the encroaching madness that comes from working a dull simple task. Seriously, how do some people do simple boring work and not lose their minds? I can't stop thinking and when I do slow down it tends to be because I'm stuck looping on song lyrics.
So the next to last straw was when I took a week off work during Christmas. I couldn't get the time off approved because Walmart is a souless heartless corporation who wouldn't let me use my sick or vacation time. So I called in sick every day for a week and spent the week with my family...you know like you're supposed to do for a big holiday like Christmas.
Fun side note: My punishment for taking too many days off of work? A paid day off to think about what I had done and write an apology.
So...the final straw...
That morning our store had had a walk through...and had gotten very poor scores. This was the fault of maintenance naturally. I can honestly say we did the best we could with what we had but in the end you can only polish a turd so much.
So that night the manager called our crew together and stressed how important it was that we sweep the store before we scrub. Sweeping before scrubbing is standard protocol and something we almost always do, but the managers were of the understanding we didn't and that the dirt was just ground into the tile by the scrubbers rather then picked up. The were wrong but as we've long known about people in positions of power...sometimes fact just doesn't matter.
So I swept the main aisles and upon clearing that my co-workers were sweeping the other aisles I set to work scrubbing. I was stopped three times by different managers asking if I had swept and I told them yes.
After lunch I was summoned to the office where I was told this:
Manager: You scrubbed an area you didn't sweep.
Al: I didn't.
Manager: Manager B saw you do it.
Al: Which area?
Manager: Manager B saw you scrub the area.
Al: ...that's not what I asked.
Manager: Well, we don't think maintenance is taking sweeping seriously enough so we think it's time you find other employment.
Al: ...
And so it was I was escorted from the property for the second time in my career. My unused sick and vacation days cashed out, my last check handed to me, and 700$ of Walmart stock cashed in (Because I wanted no part of their evil anymore and refused to hold onto that stock in hopes it would grow in profit)
I wasn't particularly heartbroken about the whole affair, anyone who's spoken to me in the last three years should know how much I hated that job and found that it drove me to the very brink of depression, madness, fury, gluttony and sloth. So I spent the next 40 to 50 days filling out applications, catching up on my TV and roaring in annoyance that the Playstation Network decided THEN was the perfect time to crash when I suddenly had all this free time to play DC Universe Online.
Then I got hired.
It happened as a fluke really, my stepfather had been so helpful in my quest to find new employment and of his many helpful bits of helpfulness he pointed me at the website for IHC: Intermountain Health Care. As I discovered one lonesome night at four in the morning as my bank account dwindled and my prospects were becoming worrysome, they needed an experienced "Floor care technician" I.E: Janitor. I applied and was shocked to find I was exactly the kind of patsy they'd been looking for!
The hospital is a wonderful place to work, with functioning cleaning machines, people who know what they're doing and generally seem happy to come to work, various employee appreciation gifts. They don't even mind if I ask for overtime where at Walmart if you even accidentally went over on your time you were punished.
I now have my own Health insurance, like a real grown up, and I'm rolling my 401 K from Walmart into the current one.
To top it off? I have access to some of the coolest rooms in the hospital like the plastic surgery offices where I got to feel all the different kinds of fake boobs they have, and the allergy specialists office where she has a FREAKING SLIDING BOOKCASE that reveals a hidden bathroom! It's amazing and yet entirely mundane somehow.
Now I'm a happy Panda
I'll try and update more.
Got any questions? Things you wanna talk about? I know there are some of you out there who almost only talk to me via this LJ and frankly I want to get back in touch with you!
Also just putting this out there, I'll be going to K-con in Vancouver Washington the first week of September and my own local con Anime Banzai in October. Any of you who might have some money to burn and would like to pop over and hang out with me and my crew? You're more then welcome. I'd be happy to share my hotel room with you.