Icon Meme answers

Oct 01, 2011 17:54

So I don't usually do Meme's but I was up late last night and I'm extremely suggestible while I'm barely awake.

This Meme was from Ari digi_dragon

This icon, adorable right? Whenever a new pokemon game comes around I usually end up getting suckered into buying it even if I have a hard time completing it. At some point I picked up the Pokemon Dungeon game, the sky explorer one I think. When you start playing the game it lets you do a personality test to determine what pokemon you are. I ended up with a Phanpy so I decided I needed an icon to fit it.  It appeals to the less then manly part of me that appreciates adorable cute things.

At some point I decided I needed an icon for each of my big three muses, Beastboy, Noir and Jinx. I've already done a significant amount of musing on why I love her so much but I think this icon really captures the smug superiority she likes to feel particularly when she's "winning"

I love me some scrubs, and while I was in West Virginia I began to marathon the episodes on DVD. Then as I got more into gaiaonline.com I started looking for icons I could put in my siggy. Most of the icons can still be found in my photobucket under spacepiratecatdude or alanddizzy. Really...you can't stop watching it can you?

I saw this somewhere...I can't remember where. But since James is well known for cross dressing, and cross dressing is almost always hillarious (The almost being when people are taking it seriously and look good at it)
Again, you can't stop staring at it can you? CAN YOU!?

And last but not least, my default icon. I found this back when I first started looking for icons to represent me and I really do love this quote. It falls into the same category as the quote that "Anyone who calls something foolproof underestimates the ingenuity of a true fool." I like to think about myself as a fool in the traditional sense, the goofy entertainer type. In the entertaining way I try to live my life I think that ignorance and denial are my best defense against the harshness of reality.
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