Hey AR fans! Guess who has tickets to his Broadway show Seminar in November? :D !!!!!!! I missed John Gabriel Borkman and swore never to make that mistake again. I was so happy to have a second chance so soon!
I just received a link to this video that goes behind the scenes of a photo shoot for the play. Warning: Do not watch if your heart can't take lots of AR being goofy, silly and flirty. Seriously, I'm hyperventilating a bit here.
http://popwatch.ew.com/2011/09/27/alan-rickman-seminar/ In addition to wanting to squee to people who would appreciate it/be jealous as hell, I have a funny story to share. I went for a check-up yesterday and mentioned to the two nurses doing my intake I had Broadway tickets, not anticipating their excited question of "Oooh, to what?" I told them and, as expected, they hadn't heard of Seminar. The slightly older one (early 30's) had no idea who AR was, the younger one (20's) did, probably thanks to Harry Potter (though she remembered him in Die Hard so perhaps I should give her more credit). I mentioned Jerry O'Connell as well to try to get the older one on-board, but she'd never heard of him either. As I left at the end they both wished me a fun trip, and the older one said she needed to do some research to "learn who all these people are" (it's so hard being obsessed with someone that probably only 20% of the population recognizes by name!) I threatened to quiz her upon my return. :)
Anyway, enjoy the vid!